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Total 5 entries found , Cost: 75.0 million FCFA
Apr 28, 2022 C_NKAMBE SIGNE 16.0 million FCFA 010/JO/NWR/DMD/NK.C/K.CITB/2022
Rehabilitation of the lower Mbot water scheme and extension of community water in Yamba Mbot
Apr 28, 2022 C_NKAMBE SIGNE 19.0 million FCFA 011/JO/NWR/DMD/NK.C/NK.CITB/20222
Rehabilitation of the Tabenken water scheme
Jul 13, 2020 C_NKAMBE SIGNE 8.0 million FCFA 002B/JO/NWR/DMD/NK.C/NK.CITB/2020
Construction d`un point d`eau dans la communauté fulani du chemin Bomansu Construction of water point at Bomansu road fulani community
Jul 13, 2020 C_NKAMBE SIGNE 24.0 million FCFA 003/JO/NWR/DMD/NK.C/NK.CITB/2020
Ngie: Réhabilitation du bassin versant, extension de l`approvisionnement en eau à tous les quartiers Rehabilitation of water Catchment, extension of water supply to all the quarters in Ngie Communities
Jul 13, 2020 C_NKAMBE SIGNE 8.0 million FCFA 002A/JO/NWR/DMD/NK.C/NK.CITB/2020
Protection du captage d`eau d`irrigation agricole auprès de la résidence du Sous-Préfet Protection of water catchment for agricultural irrigation beside the SDO resident

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