entries found
PUBLIC NOTICE Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids.The Government Delegate on behalf of the Bamenda City Council re-launched the Open National Invitation to Tender N° 002/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2018 of 9th November 2018 for the construction of the offices for the Local Coordination Unit of the C2D - "REGIONAL CAPITALS 2" in Bamenda under the emergency procedure. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who have already acquire the tender files that the deadline for the submission of bids originally scheduled for 5th December 2018 and extended to 19th December 2018, has further been transmitted to Friday 21st December 2018. This extension of deadline is due to the fact that the quorum necessary for the opening of bids cannot be attained
PUBLIC NOTICE Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids The Government Delegate on behalf of the Bamenda City Council re-launched the Open National Invitation to Tender N° 002/ONIT/BCCATB/2018 of 9th November 2018 for the construction of the offices for the Local Coordination Unit of the C2D - "REGIONAL CAPITALS 2" in Bamenda under the emergency procedure. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files that the deadline for the submission of bids originally scheduled for 5th December 2018 has been extended to 19th December 2019. This extension of deadline isdueto some administrative and security constraints.
OPEN INTERNATTONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK (ISDB) MEMBER COUNTRIES,N° 26/ICB/MC/MINMAP/CCPM-BLC72018 OF 24/7/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OFBASIC COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) IN TWO (02) LOTS. ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDSThe Project Coordinalor of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), infonns all bidders and prospective bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission of bids originally slated for 28 September 2018 has been carried forward to Friday 19th of October 2018 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
OPEN INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING ISLAMICDEVELOPMENT BANK (ISDB) MEMBER COUNTRIES,N° 26/ICB/MC/MINMAP/CCPM-BEC/2018 OF 24/7/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASIC COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) IN TWO (02) LOTS. ADDENDUM N° 1 CLARIFYING ON PAGES 1-61 AND 1-62 OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS The Project Coordinator of the Live stock and Fisheries Development Project(LIFIDEP), informs all those who acquired bidding documents for the above call for tenders, that if by any chance, their bidding documents donot contain pages 1-61 and 1-62, to collect these pages from the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, on publication of this addendum.
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Extension of deadline for submission of bids. The Government Delegate on behalf of the BamendaCity Council launched an open national invitation to tender N° 002/ONIT/BCC/ITB/18 of 20th July 2018 for the construction of the offices for the local coordination unit of the C2D-Regional Capitals in Bamenda under emergency procedure. He wishes to inform the general public and interested candidates that the deadline for submission of bids of this Invitation totender originally scheduled for 09th August 2018 and extended to 20th August 2018 has further been extended to 24th August 2018. The reason being that Tuesday the 20th of August 2018 is a Religious Public Holiday (feast of the Ramadan ). Consequently,and in accordance with article 4 of Law n° 73/5 of 07th December 1973 laying down the conditions of public holidays in the Republic of Cameroon which states that "in cases where a Public Holiday falls on a Tuesday or a Friday, the day between the two Public Holidays...
PUBLIC NOTICE. SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF DATE FOR THE DEPOSIT OFBIDS ON TENDER NOTICES NO. 007 AND 008 FOR THE ACQUIISITION OF TRACTOR ACCESSORIES AND CONSTRUCTION OF TEN CA TTLE DRINKING WA TER POINTS LOT 2 RESRECTIVELY. The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby inform Bidders for the above mentioned tenders that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Wednesday 01/08/2018 at 11:00am and opening of tenders shall proceed at 12:00 noon on the same day. While counting on your understanding, accept my regards
PUBLIC NOTICE. SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF DATE FOR THE DEPOSIT OFBIDS ON TENDER NOTICES NO. 007 AND 008 FOR THE ACQUIISITION OF TRACTOR ACCESSORIES AND CONSTRUCTION OF TEN CA TTLE DRINKING WA TER POINTS LOT 2 RESRECTIVELY. The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby inform Bidders for the above mentioned tenders that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Wednesday 01/08/2018 at 11:00am and opening of tenders shall proceed at 12:00 noon on the same day.While counting on your understanding, accept my regards
EXTENSION OF DA TE FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIDS ON THECONSTRUCTION OF TEN CATTLE DRINKING WATER POINTS. The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby inform Bidders forthe above mentioned tender that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Tuesday 03/07/2016 at 11:00am and opening of tenders shall proceed at 12:00noon on the same day.While counting on your understanding, accept my regards
POSTPONEMENT The lord Mayor of Ndop Council Contracting Authority wishes to inform prospective bidders that due to circumstances beyond his control, the opening date of of bids in relation to the tender files mention below have ben shifted as indicated. All other information remains unchanged Sn Reference Subject Initial opening date New opening date 1 N° 10/ONIT/MINATD/NC/NCTB / 2018 of 17/05/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FLOATING LANDING STAGE AT LAKE BAMBALANG 05/06/2018 15/06/2018 2 N° 11/ONIT/MINATD/NC/ NCITB / 2018 of 17/05/2018 CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE AT LOWER MUNJONG QUARTER 05/06/2018 15/06/2018
ADDENDUM No: 0017/2018Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Bui (Contracting Authority), following some procedural lapse hereby modify the date for the submission and opening of Bids for the following tenders: 1) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N°:02/RQ/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 OF 27th FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A BRAND NEW AMBULANCE TO OKU DISTRICT HOSPITAL,OKU SUB DIVISDION , BUI DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION, 2)REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N°:03/RQ/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 OF 16th MARCH 2018 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A BRAND NEW PICK-UP 4X4 VEHICLE TO OKU DISTRICT HOSPITAL,OKU SUB DIVISDION , BUI DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION INSTEAD OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS ON THE 18TH MAY AT 10 Am Local time The Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on 18th May 2018 at 11 am in the conference Hall of MINMAP Bui by the Divisional Tenders' Board as contained in the tenders' files cited above, READ AS SUBMISSION OF BIDS ON THE 30TH May at 10...
Subject: ADDENDUM FOR CONTRACTS LAUNCHED.Within the framework of the convention for co-financing of micro projects in Elak Oku Council area by PNDP and Elak Oku Council, 02 projects were launched through Request for Quotation in ElakCouncil by the Internal Tenders Board. Following the indication from some contractors shortlisted, of their unwillingness to tender for the projects due to their financial situation and request from all thebidders for additional time due to the numerous ghost towns depriving them from the necessary facilities, make it impossible to have the required number of bidders (3 per lot) as the per prescriptions before opening can be proceeded. I hereby this addendum reschedule the date for bid opening session by the Internal Tenders Board as follows:1) THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 5M SPAN BRIDGE LINKING MBOCKENGHAS AND SIMONKOH AND INSTALLATION OF A (|)1000 RING CULVERT AT SIMONKOH IN ELAK MUNICIPALITY, that was supposed to be opened on the 23RD of May 2018 at 10:30 am...
SUBJECT: POSTPONMENT OF THE LATEST DATE OF SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF BID RELATIVE TO TENDER FILE N° 08C/ONIT/RDMINMAP/NWRTB/2018 OF 30/4/ 2018 FOR THE RURALELECTRIFICATION OF NGVUINKEI • LUM - NTOWEL VILLAGES IN OKU SUBDIVISION, BUI DIVISION (STEP 1): NGVUINKEI RE-LAUNCH. In consideration to the celebration of the 46'^ National Day slated for the 20th May 2017 which falls on a Sunday Consequently making Monday the 21st Public Holiday in respect of regulations in force, the Regional Delegate of Public Contracts for the North West (Contracting Authority), hereby forwards the latest date of submission and opening of bids for the above tender initially scheduled for the 21/05/2018 to the 23/05/2018 at 12: noon.Meanwhile, the bidders are requested to collect the postponement decision at the Regional Delegation of Public Contracts for the North West.The Regional Delegate further regrets any inconveniences caused bythis.
POSTPONEMENT OF OPENING DATE ( 2nd Postponement) Minful of the first postponement of bid openning date of 09/05/2019 , given thefact that the contractor GLOBAL LINKS INGENEERING COMPANYLTD onlygot the modified Bill of quantities on the 23/05/2018 and needs time to properly prepare his bid, The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Momo Delegated Contracting Authority postponds the opening date of the bids of the tender mentioned below as follows:
SUBJECT; POSTPONEMENT OF OPENING DATE.Minful of the complain submitted by New Vision Enterprise stating the difficulty in transporting material to NKON-MENKONG or MBAKWA and proposing the change of certain items on the bill of quantities like the roofing sheet and the total modification of the plans and technical specification,Mindful of the fact that the request for quoatation file for the supply of additional equipment to the TINECHUNG HEALTH CENTRE was purchased on 8/05/2018 just three days to openning and that the said propective bidder already expressed difficulty in submitting on time,The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for momo Delegated Contracting Authority postponds the opening dates of the bidds of the tenders mentioned below as follows: SN TENDER NUMBER AND SUBJECT INITIALOPENINGDATE NEWOPENINGDATE 1 N'°21/ON!T/MINMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/2018 OF 20/04/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCKOF TWO CLASSROOMS IN OS NKON-MENGOM AND GS BAKWA. MOMO DIVISION, NORTH-WEST...
Subject: ADDENDUM FOR CONTRACTS LAUNCHED.Within the framework of the convention for co-financing of micro projects in Elak Oku Council area by PNDP and Elak Oku Council, 02 projects were launched through Request for Quotation in ElakCouncil by the Internal Tenders Board. Following the indication from some contractors shortlisted, of their unwillingness to tender for the projects due to their financial situation and request from all thebidders for additional time due to the numerous ghost towns depriving them from the necessary facilities, make it impossible to have the required number of bidders (3 per lot) as the per prescriptions before opening can be proceeded. I hereby this addendum reschedule the date for bid opening session by the Internal Tenders Board as follows:1) THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 5M SPAN BRIDGE LINKING MBOCKENGHAS AND SIMONKOH AND INSTALLATION OF A (|)1000 RING CULVERT AT SIMONKOH IN ELAK MUNICIPALITY, that was supposed to be opened on the 23RD of May 2018 at 10:30 am...
Addendum 1 carrying forward the date for opening of financial pronosals for procurement of Individual consultants for the Credit Study and Capacity Building of Micro-Finance institutions.
Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (RIB), The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Bui (Contracting Authority), following some procedural lapse hereby modifies for the third (3) time the date for the submission and opening of Bids for the following tender:1) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N°:03/RQ/MIINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 OF 16TH MARCH 2018 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A BRAND NEW PICK-UP 4X4 VEHICLE TO OKU DISTRICT HOSPITAL,OKU SUB DIVISDION , BUI DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION, INSTEAD OF SUBMlSSlON OF BIDS on 4th May 2018 at 10 am local time the Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on 4TH May 2018 at 11 am in the conference Hall of MINMAP Bui by the Divisional Tenders' Board as contained in the tenders' file cited above, READ AS SUBMISSION OF BIDS on 18TH May 2018 at10 am local lima, The Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on 18TH May 2018 at 11 am in the conference Hall of MINMAP BuI by the Divisional Tenders' Board
Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (RIB), The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Bui (Contracting Authority), following some procedural lapse hereby modifies for the forth (4) time the date for the submission and opening of Bids for the following tender:1) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N°:02/RQ/WIINI\/IAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 OF 27th FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A BRAND NEW AMBULANCE TO OKU DISTRICT HOSPITAL,OKU SUB DIVISION , BUI DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION, INSTEAD OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS ON 26TH APRIL 2018 at 10 am local.The Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on 26TH April 2018 at 11 am in the conference Hall of MINMAP Bui by the Divisional Tenders' Board as contained in the tenders' file cited above, READ AS, SUBMISSION of bids on 14th May 2018 at 10 am local time, The Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on 2018 at 11 am in the conference Hall of MINMAP Bui by the Divisional Tenders'Board.
Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (PIS), The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Bui (Contracting Authority), following some procedural lapse hereby modifies for the forth (4) time the date for the submission and opening of Bids for the following tender: 1)OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°:09/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 OF 7TH MARCH 2018 FOR THE THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF TWO CLASSROOMS AT GSSHUKOV MBIAME IN MBVEN, SUB DIVISDION , BUI DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION, INSTEAD OF SUBMISSION OF BIDS 4TH May 2018 AT 10 am local time. The Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on 4TH May 2018 at 11 am in the conference Hall of MINMAP Bui by the Divisional Tenders' Board as contained In the tenders' file cited above, READ AS SUBMISSION OF BIDS on 9TH May 2018 at 10 am LOCAL TIME.The Opening and Evaluation of the Bids on May 2018 at 11 am In the conference Hall of MINMAP Bui by the Divisional Tenders' Board.
THE VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OFBAMENDA INFORMS: All the companies interested in the Request for Quotation N° 18-0003/RQ/UBa/CIPM/2018 of 23 March 2018, for the supply and installation of a 200kVA generator at the University of Bamenda, are hereby informed that the date for the submission of bids whichwas previously fixedon the 12th April 2018 has been postponed to the 26th April 2018 at thesame time. All the other information in the tender notice remain unchanged.
COMMUNIQUE N°-00034/UBa/VC/DIPD/PPD/PEF DU 12 AVR 2018 TO POSTPONE THE DATE OF THE DEPOSIT OF THE BIDS THE VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OFBAMENDA INFORMS: All the companies interested in the Request for Quotation n° 8-00027/RQ/UBa/CIPM/2018 of 23 March 2018, for the supply of a 4x4 SUV vehicle for the Director of HTTTC of the University of Bamenda, are hereby informed that the date for the submission of bids which was previously fixed on the 12th April 2018 has been postponed to the 26th April 2018 at the same time. All the other information in the tender notice remain unchanged.
COMMUNIQUE N°-00039/UBa/VC/DIPD/PPD/PEF DU 12 AVR 2018 TO POSTPONE THE DATE OF THE DEPOSIT OF THE BIDS THE VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OFBAMENDA INFORMS: All the companies interested in the Restricted National Invitation to Tender n° 18-0006/RNIT/UBa/CIPW2018 23 March 2018, for the recruitment of consulting firms for the technical supervision of some construction projects in The University of Bamenda, are hereby informed that the date for the submission of bids which was previously fixed on the 17th April 2018 has been postponed to the 27th April 2018 at the same time. All the other information in the tender notice remain unchanged
THE VICE CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OFBAMENDA INFORMS: All the companies interested in the Open National Invitation to Tender n°18-0005/ONIT/UBa/CIPM/2018 of 23 March 2018, for the supply and installation of 75 kits of solar lamps posts for the external public lighting of the main campus of the University of Bamenda, are hereby informed that the date for the submission of bids which was previously fixed on the 17th April 2018 has been postponed to the 27th April 2018 at thesame time. All the other information in the tender notice remain unchanged.
ADDENDUM No:007/2018 Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (RIB), The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Bui (Contracting Authority), following some procedural lapse hereby modify the date for the submission and opening of Bids for the following tender:1) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N°:02/RQ/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 OF 27th FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF A BRAND NEW AMBULANCE TO OKU DISTRICT HOSPITAL, OKU SUB DIVISDION , BUI DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION,
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madame In relation to the Invitation for bids for National Competitive BiddingNO. 045/2018/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD II OF 19/03/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF RICE WAREHOUSES IN MBAW/MBONSO AND GAYAMA PRODUCTIONBASIN IN THE NORTH WEST REGIONDue to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initially scheduled on Tuesday 09/04/2018 at 11:00 a.m. prompt has been postponed to 03/05/2013 at 11:00 a.m. We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused
ADDENDUM N° 001/A/MINMAP/RDNW/DDBOYO/DTB/2018.IN RELATION TO OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE N° 006/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW /DDBOYO/DTB/20I8 OF 16/03/20JS, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN EQUIPPED BOREHOLE WITH A MANUAL PUMP AT STAFF (SAFF) BUM SUB DIVISION IN BOYO DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION. - Because of complaints from potential bidders concerning accessibility to Staff (Saff), (the site for the Construction of An Equipped Borehole With A Manual Pump), so as to establish attestations of site visit and site visit reports;- Because of the unforeseen and force majeure arising from this situation above;The opening of bids for the tender file will be read as follows:
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Postponement of Date of the Submission of Bids for Request for Quotation N° 057 for the Opening of a farm to market road of 16.7km from Lus to Adere and the Construction of 20 culverts in the Nwa Council Area In respect of laws governing award of contracts funded by PNDP through request for quotation as incribed in their current Stakeholders manual, the Regional Delegate of Public Contracts for the North West Region (Contracting Authority) hereby postpones the submission of bids for the above request for quotation to Tuesday 10th of April 2018.The Delegate regrets all inconveniences caused by this postponement and the time remains unchanged.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Postponement of Date of the Submission of Bids for ONIT 020 For the Connection to an Electrical Network of the Regional Delegation of Tourism and Leisure for the North West in Bamenda by Emergency Procedure. Following the unavoidable circumstances beyond our control, the Regional Delegate of Public Contracts for the North West Region (Contracting Authority) hereby postpones the opening of bids for the above Tenders to Tuesday 10th April 2018.The Delegate regrets all Inconveniences caused by this postponement and the time remains unchanged.
ADDENDUM Considering The Re-Launching Of open national invitation to tender N° 004/ON1T/KC/KCITB/FE1COM/2017OF 21ST FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE CONTROL AND SUPERVISION OFWORKS EXECUTION FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC SOLAR LIGHTSIN SOME JUNCTIONS AND STREETS IN KUMBO MUNICIPALITY, The Lord Mayor of Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender''s Board hereby makes an addendum on the following articles of the above mentioned tender file to extend the submission dateline to enable contractors build up their files and further more call on all interested companies to purchase the tender file and submit their offers as follow
Subject: ADDENDUM No: 002/2018 Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (PIS), The Divisional Delegateof Public Contracts forBui (Contracting Authority),following some procedural lapse hereby modify the date for the submission and opening of Bidsfor the following tender:1) REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N°:02/RQ/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 Of 27th February 2018 for the Acqulsition of a Brand New Ambulance to Oku District Hospital, Oku Sub Division, Bui Division, North West Region
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Re-Postponement of Date of the Submission of Bids for ONIT 08 For the Rural Electrification of Ngvuinkei - Lum - Ntowel villages in Oku Sub Division Following the unavoidable circumstances beyond our control, the Regional Delegate of Public Contracts for the North West Region (Contracting Authority) hereby postpones the opening of bids for the above Tenders to Thursday 22nd March 2018. At 12noon.The Delegate regrets all inconveniences caused by this postponement and the time remains unchanged.
ADDENDUM No: 001/2018 Within the framework of the 2018 Public Investment Budget (PIB), 'The Divisional Delegate of Public Contractsfor Bui, (Contracting Authority) following necessityofservicehereby modify thedate for the submission and opening ofBidsfor the following tenders:1)Open National Invitation To Tender N°:06/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 Of 20th February 2018 forthe Supply of Electricity Network to Mbam village in Oku Sub Division,Bui Division, North West Region,2) Request for Quotation N°:01/RQ/MINMAP/RDNW/DDB/BDTB/2018 Of 20th February 2018 for the Supply of Medical Equipment to the Integrated Health Center(IHC) Mbohnso inMbven Sub Division, Bui Division, North West Region as follows:
ADDENDUM Following the restricted call for REQUEST FOR QUOTATION DOCUMENT No: 00500/RQ/KC/KCITB/PNDP/OF 15TH FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (01) SLAUGHTER SLAB OF TWO ROOMS COMPRISING OF AN INSPECTION AND SLAUGHTERING ROOM IN TADU MARKET, CONSTRUCTION OF 01 MEAT SALESSLAB COMPRISING OFA SALES SLAB AND TWO PRESERVATION ROOMS IN TADU MARKET AND EXTENSION OF PIPE LINE OF PORTABLE WATER AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CONTROL VALVE CHAMBER, A STAND TAP WITH TWO TAP HEADS AND AN INFILTRATION PITTO TADU MARKE, the Lord Mayor of Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender''s Board hereby makes an addendum on the notice board model and invitation letters as follows.The restricted invitation to tender isnow opened to all construction companies within the national territory and to this effect, to date for the opening bid has been extended from Monday 05/03/2018 to Monday 19/03/2018 at 10:00am prompt
ADDENDUM Following the restricted call for request for quotation NO: 00300 /RQ/KC/KCITB/PNDP/OF 15TH FEBRUARY 2018 for the setting up of a platform to receive heavy trucks at Njavnyuy Park,Kumbo Town, Bui Division, North West Region in the Kumbo Council Area, the Lord Mayorof Kumbo Council, ContractingAuthority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender's Board hereby makes an addendum on the notice board model and invitation letters as follows. The restricted invitation to tender is now opened to all construction companies within the national territory and to this effect,to date for the opening bid has been extended from Monday 05/03/2018 to Monday 19/03/2018 at 10:00am prompt.
ADDENDUM Following the restricted call for REQUEST FOR QUOTATION DOCUMENT No: 00500/RQ/KC/KCITB/PNDP/OF 15TH FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE (01) SLAUGHTER SLAB OF TWO ROOMS COMPRISING OF AN INSPECTION AND SLAUGHTERING ROOM IN TADU MARKET, CONSTRUCTION OF 01 MEAT SALESSLAB COMPRISING OFA SALES SLAB AND TWO PRESERVATION ROOMS IN TADU MARKET AND EXTENSION OF PIPE LINE OF PORTABLE WATER AND CONSTRUCTION OF A CONTROL VALVE CHAMBER, A STAND TAP WITH TWO TAP HEADS AND AN INFILTRATION PITTO TADU MARKE, the Lord Mayor of Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender''s Board hereby makes an addendum on the notice board model and invitation letters as follows.The restricted invitation to tender isnow opened to all construction companies within the national territory and to this effect, to date for the opening bid has been extended from Monday 05/03/2018 to Monday 19/03/2018 at 10:00am prompt
ADDENDUM Considering The Launching Of OPEN national invitation toTENDER N°:00100/ONIT/KCITB/KC/2018 OF 15TH FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF TWO(02) CLASSROOMS ATGS KIYAN IN KUMBO CENTRAL SUB-DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION , The Lord Mayor of Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender's Board hereby makes an addendum to extend the submission dateline to enable contractors build up their files and furthermore call on all interested companies to purchase the tender file and submit their offers as follows
ADDENDUM Following the restricted call for REQUEST FOR CO-FINANCING FOR MICRO-PROJECTS No: 00400/RQ/KC/KCITB/PNDP/OF 15TH FEBRUARY 2018 FOR THE, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OFABLOCK OF TWO(02) CLASSROOMS, PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE WITH SECRETARIAT, 66 BENCHES FOR STUDENTS,4 TABLES AND 4 CHAIRS FOR STAFF IN GSS MELUF, CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF VIP TOILET OF THREE COMPARTEMENTS WITH SIX SQUATTING HOLES IN GSS MELUF AND EXTENSION OF PORTABLE WATER WITH ONE STAND TAP OF TWO WATER COLLECTION POINTS ,A FILTERATION PIT TO GSS MELUF IN KUMBO COUNCIL MUNICIPALITY, the Lord Mayor of Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender's Board hereby makes an addendum on the notice board model and Invitation letters as follows. The restricted invitation to tender is now opened to all construction companies within the national territory and to this effect,to date for the opening bid has been extended from Monday 05/03/2018 to Monday 19/03/2018 at 10:00 am prompt.
POSTPONEMENT OF OPENING DATEThe Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for MOMO Delegated Contracting Authority wishes to inform all bidders who bought the tenders mentioned below and interested bidders that due to circumstances beyond his control, the opening dates have been rescheduled as follows, Sn Tender number and subject Initial openingdate New openingdate 1 -N° 04/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/2018 of 30/01/2018 for the construction classrooms in GS NKON-MENGOM AND GS TUANYANG.- N° 05/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/2018 of30/01/2018 for the construction of classrooms in GTC TIBEN AND GTC WUMCHECK.-N° 06/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/2018 of30/011/2018 For the construction ofa NURSERY BLOCK in GNS BOME 20/02/2018 22/02/2018
POSTPONEMENT OF OPENING DATEThe Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for MOMO Delegated Contracting Authority wishes to inform all bidders who bought the tenders mentioned below and interested bidders that due to circumstances beyond his control, the opening dates have been rescheduled as follows, Sn Tender number and subject Initial openingdate New openingdate 1 -01/ONIT/MINMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/20I8 OF 30/01/2018 for the CONSTRUCTION OFCLASSROOMS IN GS NGALLA AND GS EMUA.-02/ONIT/MINMAP/RDSW/DDMOMO/DTB/20JB of 30/01/2018 for the Construction of classrooms in GS NUMBEN AND GS WUMUNGONG- 03/OMT/M1NMAP/RDNW/DDMOMO/DTB/2018 of 30/01/2018 For the construction of in GS BAKWA ANDGS NJVMOKOD 19/02/2018 21/02/2018
ADDENDUMThe Lord Mayorof Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender's Board hereby makes an addendum on the reference anda rticles on OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N0:00200/ONIT/KC/KCITB/FEICOM/2017 OF 09TH JANUARY 2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THREE (03) PERMANENT BRIDGES, AND FORTY-THREE (43) CONCRETE IN KUMBO TOWN, BUI DIVISIONNORTH WEST REGION.
N° 01/ LOI / LIFIDEP/STB/2018 OF 05/1/2018 FOR THE SELECTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR THE CAPACITY BUILDING OF TWO SELECTED MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS ON ISLAMIC MICROFINANCING WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DATE OF SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all shortlisted candidates of the above Letter of Invitation,that the deadline for submission of proposals originally slated for 6 of February 2018 has been carried forward to Friday the 9 of February 2018, same time and same place. For: LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT
ADDENDUMThe Lord Mayor of Kumbo Council, Contracting Authority of the Kumbo Council Internal Tender's Board hereby makes an addendum on the references and articles of OPEN INTERNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER NO:00100/OIIT/KC/KCITB/FEICOM/2018 OF 09TH JANUARY 2018 FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC SOLAR LIGHT IN SOME MAJOR STREETS AND JUNCTIONS IN KUMBO MUNICIPALITY
Radio CommuniqueKindly broad cast the following announcement several times over your Radio Station, more particularly in headlines and in detail.TEXT; "The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Menchum (Contracting Authority ofthe Divisional Tenders Board for Menchum) in the North West Region, hereby representing the State of Cameroon within the frame-work of the 2018 Public Investment Budget ("BIP 2018")has amended dates of submission and opening of bids for some projects as follows:-
Radio CommuniqueKindly broad cast the following announcement several times over your Radio Station, more particularly in headlines and in detail.TEXT; "The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Menchum (Contracting Authority ofthe Divisional Tenders Board for Menchum) in the North West Region, hereby representing the State of Cameroon within the frame-work of the 2018 Public InvestmentBudget ("BIP 2018")has amended dates of submission and opening of bids for some projects as follows:-
AN ADDITIONAL CLAUSE ON TENDER FILEO1/ONIT/MINATD/BC/ BCITB/2018 OF 17TH JANUARY 2018. Sir, I wish to draw your attention to the fact that contrary to the purchase of the tender file mentioned above, which was stipulated at thirty one thousand (31,000) Francs CFA per lot, it is rather THIRTY ONE THOUSAND (31,000) FRANCS CFA PER TENDER FILE (DAO). While hoping that this rectification will serve the purpose as intended, accept sir, my warmest greetings.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madame In relation to the Invitation for bids for National Competitive Bidding NO. 040/2017/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD U OF 13/12/2017 for the supply of 04 Cassava GratersNO. 041/2017/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD H OF 13/12/2017 for the Supply of a Palm Fruit Oil Processing Line and a Palm Oil Mill for WidikumNo. 042/2017/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD II Of 13/12/2017 for the Construction of Water Supply Schemes in the 4 selected production basins in the NorthWest Region in three (3) Lots Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initiallyscheduled on Thursday 11/01/2018 at 11:00 a.m. prompt hasbeen postponed to Tuesday 23/01/2018 at 11:00 a.m.We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused