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AN ADDITIONAL CLAUSE ON TENDER FILEO1/ONIT/MINATD/BC/ BCITB/2018 OF 17TH JANUARY 2018. Sir, I wish to draw your attention to the fact that contrary to the purchase of the tender file mentioned above, which was stipulated at thirty one thousand (31,000) Francs CFA per lot, it is rather THIRTY ONE THOUSAND (31,000) FRANCS CFA PER TENDER FILE (DAO). While hoping that this rectification will serve the purpose as intended, accept sir, my warmest greetings.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madame In relation to the Invitation for bids for National Competitive Bidding NO. 040/2017/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD U OF 13/12/2017 for the supply of 04 Cassava GratersNO. 041/2017/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD H OF 13/12/2017 for the Supply of a Palm Fruit Oil Processing Line and a Palm Oil Mill for WidikumNo. 042/2017/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD II Of 13/12/2017 for the Construction of Water Supply Schemes in the 4 selected production basins in the NorthWest Region in three (3) Lots Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initiallyscheduled on Thursday 11/01/2018 at 11:00 a.m. prompt hasbeen postponed to Tuesday 23/01/2018 at 11:00 a.m.We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N° 03 Bearing on the Postponement ofthe Opening Date of Tender File N° 05/ONIT/MINATD/BAFUT COUNCIUBCITB/2017of 02/05/2017 FOR THE CONTROL OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CEREMONIAL HALL AND AFENCE IN BAFUT SUB DIVISION IN MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION The state of Cameroon represented by the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY; LORD MAYOR BAFUT COUNCIL INSTEAD OF The bids to be opened on Monday 22nd May 2017READ The bids shall be opened on Tuesday day 23rd May 2017 ARTICLE 2. That all Bidders in Possession of this Tender file should Report at the Publication of this Note to the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY: LORD MAYOR BAFUT COUNCIL,technical service of award Bafut Council for further information.ARTICLE3.The Submission and Opening Times remain unchanged.ARTICLE 4. That this present Additional Clause is issued to serve whenever and wherever need anses:
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N° 02 Bearing onthe Postponement ofthe Opening Dateof Tender FUe N° 04/ONIT/MINATD/BAFUT COUNCIL/BCITB/2017of 02/05/2017 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CEREMONIAL HALL AND A FENCE IN BAFUT SUB DIVISION IN MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION The state of Cameroon represented by the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY; LORD MAYOR BAFUT COUNCIL HEREBY DECIDES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1 This présent Additional Clausebas as Objective the Postponement of the Opening Date of Open National Invitation to Tender N° 04/ONIT/MINATD/BAFUT COUNCIL/BCITB/2017 of 02/05/2017 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CEREMONIAL HALL AND A FENCE IN BAFUT SUB DIVISION IN MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION INSTEAD OF The bids to be opened on Monday 22nd May 2017 READ The bids shall be opened on Tuesday day 23rd May 2017 ARTICLE 2. That all Bidders in Possession of this Tender file should Report atthe Publication of this Note to the CONTRACTING AUTHORITY; LORD MAYOR BAFUT COUNCIL, technical service of award Bafut Co...
CONSULTATION N° 22/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 17/4/2017 FOR THE SUPPLY OF BROOD STOCK FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the above mentioned consultation that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017
CONSULTATION N° 21/RFQ/ LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 13/4/2017 FOR THE SUPPLY OF A DISTRIBUTION VAN WITH AERATORS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF FINGERLINGS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS TheProject Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the above mentioned consultation that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017.
CONSULTATION N° 20/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 13/4/2017 FORTHE SUPPLY OF A DISTRIBUTION TRUCK ADAPTER FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SMALL RUMINANTS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017.
Clarification for the preparation of the proposals Dear Mr./Ms.: Reference is made to the request for proposal for the Realisation of Detailed studies of rural road infrastructures within the framework of the project for the Development of Agricultural Value Chain (DPAVC) Lot 1: Mungo Division in Litoral Region, Lot 2 : Sanaga Maritime and Nkam Divisions of the Litoral Region Lot 3: Mefou et Afamba, Nyong et Kelle, Mbam et Kim and Kekie Divisions in the Centre Region Lot 4: Ndian, Meme, Fako, Coupe Manegouba Divisions of the South West Region and Lot 5: Lorn et Djerem and Kadey Divisions of the East Region and Djas et Lobo and Mvila Divisions in the South Region issued to shortlisted consultants on the 31/10/2016. Considering the issues raised by consultants in their request for clarification, find below our clarification to the issues raised. 1. The Terms ofReference (TOR) in English may please be provided There is no English version of the Terms of Reference 2. List of roads...
Rescheduling of the date of the admissibility and the opening of some bids. Within the context of better execution of some projects for the Public Investment Budget (PIB) MINADER 2016.It am by this correspondence informing you that, due to some unforeseen circumstances (Conference on projects programming 2017 and the preparation of the Extraordinary session ofthe Board of Directors), the date of the admissibility and the opening of bids concerning the OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 07/ONIT/MINADER/UNVDA/ITB/PIB/2016 OF 11/11/2016 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTORS IN UNVDA FARM LAND and the OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 08/ONIT/MINADER/UNVDA/ ITB/PIB/2016OF 11/11/2016 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF CULVERT CROSSINGS IN UNVDA FARMLAND) has been rescheduled to take place on Thursday 15, 2016 same time.
Rescheduling ofthe date of the admissibility and the opening of some bids.Within the context ofbetter execution ofsome projects for the Public Investment Budget(PIB) MINADER 2016.It am by this correspondence informing you that, due to some unforeseen circumstances(Conference on projectsprogramming2017 and the preparation ofthe Extraordinary session of the Board ofDirectors), the date of the admissibility and the opening of bids concerning the OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N"07/ONIT/MINADER/UNVDA/ITB/PIB/2016 OF 11/11/2016 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTORS IN UNVDA FARM LAND and the OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N"08/ONIT/MINADER/UNVDA/ ITB/PIB/2016OF 11/11/2016 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF CULVERT CROSSINGS IN UNVDA FARMLAND) has been rescheduled to take place on Thursday 15, 2016 on the same times. I regret the inconveniences caused by this postponement. Accept my best regards.
ADDENDUM N° 3 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS CONSULTATION N° I7/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/2016 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED PASTURES AND FODDER PRODUCTION FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. The Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all those interested in the above call for quotations that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016, and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016, that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 and carried forward to Tuesday the 29th of November 2016 has th been extended to Tuesday 6th December 2016
ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLlNE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS CONSULTATION N°17/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/20I6 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION DEGRADED PASTURE FODDLR PRODUCTON FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LlFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON The director General of the North West Authority (MIDENO) the Excecuting Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP. Informs all those interested in the above call for Quotation that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016. and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016 that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 and carried forward to the 15th of November 2016 has been extended to Tuesday the 29th of November 2016. Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per th...
OPEN NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING N° 18/ONC/B/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 04/10/2016 FOB THE SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONNSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF FISH PONDS FOR THE LlVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIEIDEP) FOR THE NORIH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Director of the North West Development Authority (MIDENO) THE Executing Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP informs all those interested in the above Invitation to lender that the deadline for submission of Bids originally stated for 08th November 2016 has been carried forward to 15th November 2016 Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per the consultation Notice
CONSULTATION NO 17/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/2016 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED PASTURES AND FODDER PRODUCTION FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. ADDENDUM NO 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Director General of The North West Development Authority (MIDENO), the Executing Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP, informs all those interested in the above call for quotations that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016, and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016, that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 has been carried forward to 15 November 2016 . Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per the consultation Notice.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE In relation to the Invitation for bids for National Competitive Bidding No. 020/2016/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD II for the Construction of 07 Potato Warehouses and 08 Seed Stores in Santa/Tubah Production Basin in the North West Region in Two (2) Lots The submission and opening date initially scheduled for Thursday 27/10/2016 has been postponed to Monday 07/11/2016 same time due to an amendment in the tender document We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused.
FOSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE In relation to the Invitation for bids for National Competitive Bidding No. 021/2015/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD II for the Construction of 10 Market Hangers in the Four (4) Production Basins in the North West Region in Three (3) Lots The submission and opening date initially scheduled for Thursday 27/10/2016 has been postponed to Monday 07/11/2016 same time due to an amendment in the tender document We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE In relation to the Invitation for bids for National Competitive Bidding No. 022/2016/NCB/STB/GRASSFIELD II for the construcUon ofSO Cocoa Drying Units in Widikum and Gayama production basins in the North West Region in three (3) lots The submission and opening date initially scheduled for Friday 28/10/2016 has been postponed to Tuesday 08/11/2016 same time due to an amendment in the tender document. We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused.
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