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CORRIGENDUM No. _002 /C/BCC/C2D-CR/LCU/ENG/09-2022 Ref : Restricted National Invitation to Tender N°002/RNIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 09/08/2022 for the recruitment of a consulting firm for the control and supervision of components 2 & 4 projects in the City of Bamenda as part of the–C2D - Urban Program “Regional Capital 2”. Section II. Data Sheet: ITC 10.1 Documents Comprising the Proposal, page 27.
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N°014/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the construction of markets in the City of Bamenda in two lots; Open National Invitation to Tender N°013/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the rehabilitation of Ntarikon market; Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2000 for the construction foot path up-station downtown in Bamenda. The City Mayor on behalf of the Bamenda City Council launched the above-mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files that the deadline for the submission of bids initially scheduled for 21st September 2022 and extended to 05th October 2022 has further been extended to the Friday 7th October 2022. This extension of the deadline is due to some adminis...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N°014/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the construction of markets in the City of Bamenda in two lots; Open National Invitation to Tender N°013/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the rehabilitation of Ntarikon market; Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2000 for the construction foot path up-station downtown in Bamenda. The City Mayor on behalf of the Bamenda City Council launched the above-mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files that the deadline for the submission of bids initially scheduled for 21st September 2022 and extended to 05th October 2022 has further been extended to the Friday 7th October 2022. This extension of the deadline is due to some adminis...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N°014/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the construction of markets in the City of Bamenda in two lots; Open National Invitation to Tender N°013/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2022 for the execution of the works for the rehabilitation of Ntarikon market; Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCC/ITB/2022 of 11/08/2000 for the construction foot path up-station downtown in Bamenda. The City Mayor on behalf of the Bamenda City Council launched the above-mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender. He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files that the deadline for the submission of bids initially scheduled for 21st September 2022 and extended to 05th October 2022 has further been extended to the Friday 7th October 2022. This extension of the deadline is due to some administra...
SUBJECT: ADJOURNMENT NOTICEFORTHEBID OPENINGSESSION FOR THE RELAUNCH OF THE ELECTRIFICATION OF NGWICHENTER This is to inform you that, due to circumstances beyond our control, the Bid Opening Session for the "TENDER FILE 13/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/BCITB/2022 of 6th JULY 2022 FOR THE ELECTRIFICATION OF NGWICHENTER QUARTER OF BABA-1VILLAGE IN BABESSI SUB-DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION”, which was scheduled for Friday the 29th of July 2022 has been postponed to Wednesday the 3rd of August 2022. We regret the inconveniences this might have caused you.
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that, due to circumstances beyond our control, the Bid Opening Session for the Electrification of Ngwichenter Quarter in Baba-1 and the Construction of Shikaw Bridge on Shikaw Communal Road in Babungo Village, which was scheduled for Monday the 20th of June 2022 has been postponed to Friday the 24th of June 2022. We regret the inconveniences this might have caused you
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that, due to circumstances beyond our control, the Bid Opening Session for the Electrification of Ngwichenter Quarter in Baba-1 and the Construction of Shikaw Bridge on Shikaw Communal Road in Babungo Village, which was scheduled for Monday the 20th of June 2022 has been postponed to Friday the 24th of June 2022 . We regret the inconveniences this might have caused you
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N O 001/AC/SC/SCITB/2022 BEARING ON THE ADJUSTMENT OF IRREGULARITIES IN TENDER FILE AND THE POSTPONEMENT OF THE OPENING DATE OF OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER NO.006/ONIT/SC/SCITB/2022, OF 24/ 06/2022 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FAREBAY BRIDGE IN MBEI VILLAGE AND BOX CULVERT OVER RIVER FENANG IN BALIGHAM VILLAGE. The state of Cameroon represented by the LORD MAYOR OF SANTA COUNCIL (CA) , named as “ADMINISTRATION” HEREBY DECIDE AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1. The objective of this present Additional Clause is to state the bill of quantities, nullify criterion No.9 in the Eliminatory Criteria and finally to Postpone the Opening date of the aforementioned Tender File.
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N O 001/AC/SC/SCITB/2022 BEARING ON THE ADJUSTMENT OF IRREGULARITIES IN TENDER FILE AND THE POSTPONEMENT OF THE OPENING DATE OF OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER NO.006/ONIT/SC/SCITB/2022, OF 24/ 06/2022 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF FAREBAY BRIDGE IN MBEI VILLAGE AND BOX CULVERT OVER RIVER FENANG IN BALIGHAM VILLAGE. The state of Cameroon represented by the LORD MAYOR OF SANTA COUNCIL (CA) , named as “ADMINISTRATION” HEREBY DECIDE AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1. The objective of this present Additional Clause is to state the bill of quantities, nullify criterion No.9 in the Eliminatory Criteria and finally to Postpone the Opening date of the aforementioned Tender File.
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N°.01/2022 Bearing on the postponement of the opening date of the tender fiie N°005/ONIT/BC/BCiTB/2022 OF 20/04/2022 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF T- JUNCTION - BAMOMBO - NGENGAB FARM TO MARKET ROAD (3KM) IN BALI SUBDIVISION, MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION The state of Cameroon is represented by the mayor of the Bali Council named the "Administration Hereby Decides as Follows; Article 1. This present additional clause has as an objective the postponement of the opening date of the aforementioned project and Annulation Of Elimination Criteria No 1 in conformity with articles 19(3),89, and 92(9)of the public contract's code/-. Instead of The bid shall be opened on 19/05/2022for tender N° 005/ONIT/BC/BC1TB/2022 OF 20/04/2022 Reads The bids shall be opened on 21/06/2022Article 2. That all the bidders in possession of their tender files should report at the secretariat of the mayor for further instructions upon publication of this note/-.Article 3. that th...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N°. 02/2022 Bearing on the postponement of the opening date of the tender fileN° 006/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2022 OF 20/04/2022 FOR THE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION OF SANG QUARTER OF NAKA VILLAGE, BALI SUBDIVISION, MEZAM DIVISION OF THE NORTH-WEST REGION.The state of Cameroon is represented by the mayor of the Bali Council named the "Administration Hereby Decides as Follows; Article 1. This present additional clause has as an objective the postponement of the opening date of the aforementioned project and Annulation Of Elimination Criteria No 1 in conformity with articles 19(3), 89, and 92(9) of the public contract's code/-. Instead of The bid shall be opened on 19/05/2022 for tender N° 006/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2022 OF 20/04/2022 Reads The bids shall be opened on 21 /06/2022Article 2. That all the bidders in possession of their tender files should report at the secretariat of the mayor for further instructions upon publication of this note/-.Article 3. that the opening time remain...
SUBJECT: POSPONEMENT OF THE BSDS OPENING DATE OF THE OPENNATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 11 /ON!T/MIMDDEVtL/BC/ BCITB /2022 OF 25/04/2022 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE OVER RIVER WEUTBILI ALONG WATER SIDE TO BACKYIT QUARTER THROUGH G.S BALIKUMBAT , GBHS BALIKUMBAT, NJlNDEM QUARTER AND GAHSAM QUARTER (12.00ml) IN BALIKUMBAT MUNICIPALITY. Following the submission of bids for the above mentioned tender file on the of May, 2022 at 10:00am as prescibed in the document, only one bid (ETS RAMSON SERVICES) was recieved at 8 :00am prompt within the deadline of submission. During the time of opening (11:00am), only the President of the Balikumbat Council Internal Tenders Board (BCITB) was able to be present in which he waited for an hour but none of the members of the board could turn up due to the lock down that was pronounced that will continue. To this effect, the bid opening was postponed from Tuesday 17th of May.2022 at 11:00am to Tuesday 24th of May, 2022 at 10:00am prompt. Sir, a...
ADDENDUM N° 01/2022 TO OPEN NATIONALINVITATION TO TENDERNo 11/ONIT/MINDDEVEL/BC/ BCITB /2022 OF 25/04/2022 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE OVER RIVER WEUTBILI ALONG WATER SIDE TO BACKYIT QUARTER THROUGH G.S BALIKUMBAT, GBHS BALIKUMBAT, NJINDEM QUARTER AND GAHSAM QUARTER(12.00ml) IN BALIKUMBAT MUNICIPALITY. DOCUMENT NO.8:BILL OF QUANTITIES AND ESTIMATES Mindful of some lapses in the interpretation ofthe Minister’s letter No.2942/L/MINTP/SG/DGET/DRPN/CP of 11/04/2022 on the implementation of the projects of the2022 program with funding from the Road Fund, prior to the launching ofthe above mentionedproject.
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids:Open National Invitation to Tender N° 006/ONIT/BCCITB/2022of 12/04/2022for the selection ofa consultant to control andsupervise the works of the construction ofsome sheds in theopen space above Nkwen Market in two lots.Open National Invitation to Tender N°007/ONIT/BCCITB/2022of 12/04/2022for the construction of some sheds in the openspace above Nkwen Market in two lots.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2022of 12/04/2022 for the supply of two 30-seater air-conditionedcoaster buses to the Bamenda City Council.Within the framework of the execution of the 2022 investment budget of the Bamenda City Council, the City Mayor of Bamenda City Council on behalf of his municipality launched the above mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender.He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files as well as those who intend to bid that the deadline for the su...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids:Open National Invitation to Tender N°006/ONIT/BCCITB/2022of 12/04/2022for the selection ofa consultant to control andsupervise the works of the construction ofsome sheds in theopen space above Nkwen Market in two lots.Open National Invitation to Tender N°007/ONIT/BCCITB/2022of 12/04/2022for the construction of some sheds in the openspace above Nkwen Market in two lots.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2022of 12/04/2022 for the supply of two 30-seater air-conditionedcoaster buses to the Bamenda City Council.Within the framework of the execution of the 2022 investment budget of the Bamenda City Council, the City Mayor of Bamenda City Council on behalf of his municipality launched the above mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender.He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files as well as those who intend to bid that the deadline for the sub...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids:Open National Invitation to Tender N° 006/ONIT/BCCITB/2022 of 12/04/2022for the selection ofa consultant to control andsupervise the works of the construction ofsome sheds in the open space above Nkwen Market in two lots.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2022 of 12/04/2022 for the construction of some sheds in the openspace above Nkwen Market in two lots.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2022 of 12/04/2022 for the supply of two 30-seater air-conditionedcoaster buses to the Bamenda City Council.Within the framework of the execution of the 2022 investment budget of the Bamenda City Council, the City Mayor of Bamenda City Council on behalf of his municipality launched the above mentioned Open National Invitations to Tender.He wishes to inform the general public and those bidders who had earlier acquired the tender files as well as those who intend to bid that the deadline for...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO.03 Bearing on the postponement of the opening date of the tender filesN°01/RQ/BILCITB/FEICOM/BIIC/2022 OF 01/04/2022 FOR THE SUPPLY OF A PICK-UP 4X4 DOUBLE CABIN VEHICLE TO THE BAMENDA II COUNCIL and 02 ./RQ/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 05/04/2022 for the SUPPLY OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT TO BAMENDA II COUNCIL The state of Cameroon represented by the Mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA) named as “Administration” Hereby Decides as follows Article 1. The present additional clause has as objective the postponement of the opening date of the aforementioned projects due to insufficient Bidders in an effort to encourage a competitive process. Instead of The bids shall be opened on 21/04/2022 for Tender No.01/RQ/B1C/CITB/FEICOM/BIIC/2022 and on the 28/04/2022 for Tender No. 02/RQ/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 Read The bids shall be opened on the 5 May 2022Article 2. that all the bidders in possession of their tender file should report to the secretariat of the Mayor for further instruc...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO.03 Bearing on the postponement of the opening date of the tender filesN°01/RQ/BILCITB/FEICOM/BIIC/2022 OF 01/04/2022 FOR THE SUPPLY OF A PICK-UP 4X4 DOUBLE CABIN VEHICLE TO THE BAMENDA II COUNCIL and 02 ./RQ/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 05/04/2022 for the SUPPLY OF OFFICE EQUIPMENT TO BAMENDA II COUNCIL The state of Cameroon represented by the Mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA) named as “Administration” Hereby Decides as follows Article 1. The present additional clause has as objective the postponement of the opening date of the aforementioned projects due to insufficient Bidders in an effort to encourage a competitive process. Instead of The bids shall be opened on 21/04/2022 for Tender No.01/RQ/B1C/CITB/FEICOM/BIIC/2022 and on the 28/04/2022 for Tender No. 02/RQ/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 Read The bids shall be opened on the 5 May 2022Article 2. that all the bidders in possession of their tender file should report to the secretariat of the Mayor for further instruc...
PUBLIC NOTICE. SUBJECT:EXTENSION OF DATE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF BIDS FOR TENDER OIL 012/ON/T/CDENO/CITB/2022OF6/4/2022FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MODERN POULTRY SHED AT NDDR CENTRE MANKON AND THE SUPPLY OF A SERVICE VEHICLE TO CDENO BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RESPECTIVELY, The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby informs Bidders who tendered for the above mentioned job and those interested that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Friday 06/05/2022 at 11:00am and opening of this tender shall proceed on the same day at 12:00 noon.This is following a request by the tender Board to respect article 89 of the Public contract code. While waiting,accept my regards
PUBLIC NOTICE.SUBJECT:EXTENSION OFDATEFOR THESUBMISSIONOFBIDSFOR TENDEROIL OI2/ON/T/CDENO/CITB/2022OF6/4/2022FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MODERNPOULTRYSHEDATNDDR CENTRE MANKON AND THE SUPPLY OF A SERVICE VEHICLE TO CDENO BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RESPECTIVELY, The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby informs Bidders who tendered for the above mentioned job and those interested that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Friday 06/05/2022 at 11:00am and opening of this tender shall proceed on the same day at 12:00 noon.This is following a request by the tender Board to respect article 89 of the Public contract code. While waiting, accept my regards
subject:addendum in relation to open national invitation toTENDER BYEMERGENCY PROCEDURE:• NO 04/ONIT/ FC/FCITB/2022 OF 14/03/2022 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ADUK WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (LOT 1), AND EXTENSION OF MBAM WATERSUPPLYSCHEME(LOT2)IN THE FUNDONG MUNICIPALITY AND• N° 05/ONIT/ FC7FCITB/2022 OF 14/03/2022 FOR EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY TO KUMTEM VILLAGE(LOT I), EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY TO BOYUI VILLAGE (LOT 2) AND EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY IN MELI VILLAGE (LOT 3)IN THE FUNDONG MUNICIPALH Y OF BOYO DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION > Because of complaints from potential bidders concerning accessibility to the Site for project mentioned in the tender file above and due to the blockage of roads to and from Boyo, Because of regular blackout in electricity through out Boyo Division in particular and the entire Region in general, making documentation very difficult.Because of the unforeseen and force majeure arising from the two situations above;The opening of bids for the bids will be read as fol...
subject: addendum in relation to open national invitation toTENDER BYEMERGENCY PROCEDURE:• NO 04/ONIT/ FC/FCITB/2022 OF 14/03/2022 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ADUK WATER SUPPLY SCHEME (LOT 1), AND EXTENSION OF MBAM WATERSUPPLYSCHEME(LOT2)IN THE FUNDONG MUNICIPALITY AND• N° 05/ONIT/ FC7FCITB/2022 OF 14/03/2022 FOR EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY TO KUMTEM VILLAGE(LOT I), EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY TO BOYUI VILLAGE (LOT 2) AND EXTENSION OF ELECTRICITY IN MELI VILLAGE (LOT 3)IN THE FUNDONG MUNICIPALH Y OF BOYO DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION > Because of complaints from potential bidders concerning accessibility to the Site for project mentioned in the tender file above and due to the blockage of roads to and from Boyo, Because of regular blackout in electricity through out Boyo Division in particular and the entire Region in general, making documentation very difficult.Because of the unforeseen and force majeure arising from the two situations above;The opening of bids for the bids will be read as f...
POSTPONEMENT OF BID OPENING Following the difficulties encountered in building up of TENDER 01/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022PROCEDURE FOR THE REHABILITATION OF COMMUNAL ROADS CATHOLIC MISSION- RICEFARM IN NDOPSUB DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION ;opening session initially programmed for Tuesday 22/03/2022 and the TENDER N°5/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022 THROUGH THE EMERGENCY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FULL CYCLEPRIMAY SCHOOL AT GOVERNMENTPRIMARY SCHOOL BAMUNKA,NDOP SUB DIVISIONNGOKETUNJIA DIVISION opening session scheduled for 30/03/2022 have been moved to Wednesday 06/04/2022. All other information remains unchanged.We regret the inconvenience this may cause.
POSTPONEMENT OF BID OPENING Following the difficulties encountered in building up of TENDER O1/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022PROCEDURE FOR THE REHABILITATION OF COMMUNAL ROADS CATHOLIC MISSION- RICEFARM IN NDOP SUB DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION ;opening session initially programmed for Tuesday 22/03/2022 and the TENDER N°5/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022 THROUGH THE EMERGENCY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FULL CYCLEPRIMAY SCHOOL AT GOVERNMENTPRIMARY SCHOOL BAMUNKA,NDOP SUB DIVISION NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION opening session scheduled for 30/03/2022 have been moved to Wednesday 06/04/2022. All other information remains unchanged.We regret the inconvenience this may cause
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(0...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(07...
Addendum in the Preparation of Bids Following this urgent public notice of the 04/03/2022 in which the submission and opening of bids of liie above mentioned works lias been call off due to force majeure and other circumstances beyond human control. I. the (Contracting Authority (The Lord Mayor of Ako (Council) in respect to Point 30 of(Circular letter N° 001/CAB/PR of 19th June 2012 relating to the award and control of the execution of Public Contracts and Articles 10 and 22 of the General Rules of the Invitation to Tender for Works and local supplies projects instituted by Prime Ministerial Decision N° 038/CAB/PM of 15th May 2014 bearing the Model Tender File for Public Contracts in Cameroon hereby modifies some Points and Articles of the Tender File to read as follows As concern Point 11 of the TENDER NOTICE and Article 9 of the SPECIAL REGULATIONS OF THE INVITATION TO TENDER on the Submission of the tender files Each offer or bid drafted in English or French in seven(0...
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control, the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control,the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control,the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control,the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADJOURNMENT NOTICE This is to inform you that due to circumstances beyond our control,the bid opening dates initially scheduled for Thursday the 17/03/2022 and Friday the 18/03/2022 respectively have been postponed to Tuesday the 22/03/2022 and Wednesday the 23/03/2022 respectively. I regret the inconvenience this might cause you. Thanks
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO.O11, Bearing on the postponement of the openingN°07/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 07/02/2022 for the rennovation of IHC Nsulam (Akumlam)and 05./ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of07/02/2022 for the construction of a VIP Toilet with6 Squatting Holes each in GS Mbatu and GPS Old Town date of the tender files The state of Cameroon represented by the mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA) named as“Administration” Here by Decides as follows Article 1. The present additional clause has as objective the postponement of theopening date of the aforementioned projects due to insecurity and in a effort to encourage a competitive process. Instead of The bids shall be opened on 15/03/2022 Read The bids shall be opened on the 18 March 2022Article 2. that all the bidders in possession of their tender file should report at the secretariat ofthe Mayor for further instructions upon publication of this note Article 3. that the opening times remain unchanged as in the tender files while the subm...
POSTPONEMENT OFTHE BID OPENING SESSION OFTHE 09^”MARCH 2022 I write to inform you of the change of date for the bid opening session bearing on: The construction of a block oftwo classrooms at GS Swie,the construction of 04 meat sales slaps at Mforya, Asong, Ndung and Mbakong markets and the completion of the Akossia Integrated Health Centre. Due to the rampant failure of electricity observed for close to a week now in Bamenda and the shut downs in town,it would be necessary to postpone this session to enable bidders have more time to prepare their bids to ensure we do not have a fruitless session. In view of the above, the session is moved from the 09th March 2022 to the 15th March 2022. 1 regret any inconvenience this might have cause you. Thanks for your usual collaboration.
EXTENSION OF THE SUBMISSION DEADLINE OF REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS N° 001/DC/MIDENO/MITB/13/84/2022 of FEBRUARY 2022 Following the publication of the above mentioned request for quotations on the 22nd of February 2022 for the acquisition of farm inputs for the 2022 farming season through emergency procedure divided into two Iots(Lot 1: the supply of foundation seeds and processing inputs and Lot 2: the supply of fertilizers and pesticides)and taking into consideration some unforeseen circumstances beyond the control of the Project Owner, all those who have bought bids and other interested bidders hereby informed that the deadline for submission which was previously scheduled on Tuesday of March 2022 has been extended to Wednesday 16th of March 2022 at 10:00 am prompt in the Head Office of MIDENO located along Ayaba Street, opposite Mansfield Plaza Hotel. Apart from the new date of submission, all other provisions in the Tender Document remain unchanged. We regret any inconveniences ...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO.01 Bearing N° 01/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 07/02/2022 for the maintenance of council roads in Ndzumambueah(2.2km), n° 03/ONIT/BIIC/BnCITB/2022 of 08/02/2022 for the construction of a 6m span bridge at Akaka Quarter, N° 02/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 08/02/2022 for the construction of a bridge in Alangmukara in Fowah The state of Cameroon represented by the Mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA ) named as “Administration”on the postponement of the opening date of the tender files Hereby Decides as follows Article 1. the present additional clause has as objective the postponment of the opening date of the aforementioned projects due to Instead of The bids shall be opened on 03/03/2022 Read The bids shall be opened on 03/03/2022 Article 2. that all the bidders in possession of their t0 Tender the file should report to the secretariat of the Mayor for further instructions upon publication of this noteAr...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO.01 Bearing N° 01/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 07/02/2022 for the maintenance of council roads in Ndzumambueah(2.2km), n° 03/ONIT/BIIC/BnCITB/2022 of 08/02/2022 for the construction of a 6m span bridge at Akaka Quarter, N° 02/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 08/02/2022 for the construction of a bridge in Alangmukara in Fowah The state of Cameroon represented by the Mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA ) named as “Administration”on the postponement of the opening date of the tender files Hereby Decides as follows Article 1. the present additional clause has as objective the postponment of the opening date of the aforementioned projects due to Instead of The bids shall be opened on 03/03/2022 Read Article 2. that all the bidders in possession of their t0 Tender the file should report to the secretariat of the Mayor for further instructions upon publication of this noteArticle 3. that the submission/opening t...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE NO.01 Bearing N° 01/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 07/02/2022 for the maintenance of council roads in Ndzumambueah(2.2km), n° 03/ONIT/BIIC/BnCITB/2022 of 08/02/2022 for the construction of a 6m span bridge at Akaka Quarter, N° 02/ONIT/BIIC/BIICITB/2022 of 08/02/2022 for the construction of a bridge in Alangmukara in Fowah The state of Cameroon represented by the Mayor of Bamenda II Council (CA ) named as “Administration”on the postponement of the opening date of the tender files Hereby Decides as follows Article 1. the present additional clause has as objective the postponment of the opening date of the aforementioned projects due to Instead of The bids shall be opened on 03/03/2022 Read Article 2. that all the bidders in possession of their t0 Tender the file should report to the secretariat of the Mayor for further instructions upon publication of this noteArticle 3. that the submission/opening times r...
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madam In relation to the Inmtationfor bidsfor National Competitive Bidding. TENDER No: 028/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 08/10/2021 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION BRIDGES AND CULVERTS IN THE NORTH WESTREGIONFOR LOT2 Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initially scheduled on 07/11/2021 at 11:00 a.m. prompt, has been postponed to Tuesday,16/11/2021 at 11;00 a.m.prompt. We regretany inconveniency this postponement might have caused.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madam In relation to the Invitationfor bidsfor National Competitive Bidding.TENDER No: 027/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 17/09/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF 230KM FEEDER AND ACCESS ROAD IN THE NORTH WEST REGION:LOT2 Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initially scheduled on Tuesday 19/10/2021 at 11:00 a.m. prompt, has been postponed to Tuesday 16/11/2021 at 11:00 a.m.prompt.We regretany inconveniency this postponement might have caused
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATEDear Sir / Madam In relation to the bids for the OpenNational CompetitiveBidding and the request for quotation asfollows:> TENDER FILEN ° 12/ONIT//VIINDDEVEL/BC/BCITB/202] of 20/04/2021 for the FIRST PHASEOPENING OF A 3.5KM ROAD FROM BAFANJI PALACE ENTRANCE TO CATHOLIC SCHOOL BAFANJI (THROUGH MBAKWA AND NJATANG QUARTERS) IN BAFANJIVILLAGE, BALIKUMBAT SUB DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION. > CONSULTATION N° 11/RQ/ NC/ NCITB /2021 OF 20/04/2021 FOR THE PURCHASE OF MATERIAL FOR THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID -19 IN BALIKUMBATCOUNCIL AREA NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THENORTH WEST REGION.Due to the circumstancesbeyondour control, the submission date initiallyscheduled on Tuesday 18/05/2021 at 10 ;00 am prompt has beenpotponed to Tuesday 25/05/3021 at the same venueandtimeWe regret anyinconvenienceswhichthispostponementmight have caused.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATEDear Sir / Madam In relation to the bids for the OpenNational CompetitiveBidding and the request for quotation as follows:> TENDERFILE N° 12/ONIT//VIINDDEVEL/BC/BCITB/202] of 20/04/2021 for the FIRST PHASEOPENING OF A 3.5KM ROAD FROM BAFANJI PALACE ENTRANCE TO CATHOLIC SCHOOL BAFANJI (THROUGH MBAKWA AND NJATANG QUARTERS) IN BAFANJIVILLAGE, BALIKUMBAT SUB DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION.> CONSULTATION N° 11/RQ/ NC/ NCITB /2021 OF 20/04/2021 FOR THE PURCHASE OF MATERIAL FORTHE FIGHT AGAINST COVID -19 IN BALIKUMBATCOUNCIL AREA NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION. Due to the circumstancesbeyondour control, the submission date initiallyscheduled on Tuesday 18/05/2021 at 10 ;00am prompt has beenpotponed to Tuesday 25/05/2021 at the same venueandtime We regret any inconveniences which this postponement might have caused.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madam In relation to the Invitationfor bidsfor National Competitive Bidding. 1. Tender No: 020/202l/NCB/STB/GP-JRDP of 21/04/2021 for therehabilitation of 230km feeder and access road in the North WestRegion in five (5) lots.2. Tender No: 021/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 21/04/2021 for theequipping of health centres in the North West Region in 3 lots. 3. Tender No: 022/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 21/04/2021 for theconstruction of hygiene and sanitation facilities in the North WestRegion in 7 tots..Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initiallyscheduled on Friday, 21/05/2021 at 11:00 a,m. prompt, hasbeen postponed to Thursday, 27/05/2021 at 11:00 a.m.prompt. We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madam In relation to the Invitationfor bidsfor National Competitive Bidding. 1. Tender No: 020/202l/NCB/STB/GP-JRDP of 21/04/2021 for therehabilitation of 230km feeder and access road in the North WestRegion in five (5) lots.2. Tender No: 021/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 21/04/2021 for theequipping of health centres in the North West Region in 3 lots. 3. Tender No: 022/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 21/04/2021 for theconstruction of hygiene and sanitation facilities in the North WestRegion in 7 tots..Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initiallyscheduled on Friday, 21/05/2021 at 11:00 a,m. prompt, hasbeen postponed to Thursday, 27/05/2021 at 11:00 a.m.prompt. We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/Madam In relation to the Invitationfor bids for National Competitive Bidding. 1. Tender No: 020/202l/NCB/STB/GP-JRDP of 21/04/2021 for therehabilitation of 230km feeder and access road in the North WestRegion in five (5) lots.2. Tender No: 021/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 21/04/2021 for theequipping of health centres in the North West Region in 3 lots. 3. Tender No: 022/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 21/04/2021 for theconstruction of hygiene and sanitation facilities in the North WestRegion in 7 tots..Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initially scheduled on Friday, 21/05/2021 at 11:00 a,m. prompt, hasbeen postponed to Thursday, 27/05/2021 at 11:00 a.m.prompt. We regret any inconveniency this postponment might have caused
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE In relation to the Invitationfor bidsfor National Competitive Bidding.Tender No: 019/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 23/04/2021 for theconstruction and equipping rice and palm oil processing millstructures in Mbaw/Mbonso and Gayama production basins in4 lotsDue to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initiallyscheduled on Tuesday, 25/05/2021 at 11;00 a.m. prompt, hasbeen postponed to Wednesday, 02/06/2021 at 11:00 a,m. prompt.We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused.
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE Dear Sir/MadamIn relation to the Invitationfor bids for National Competitive Bidding.Tender No: 016/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 09/04/2021 for theconstruction bridges and culverts in the north west region in 8lots.Due to circumstances beyond our control the submission date initially scheduled on Wednesday, 12/05/2021 at 11:00 a.m. prompt, has been postponed to Tuesday, 13/05/2021 at 11:00 a.m.prompt.We regret any inconveniency this postponement might have caused.
REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONNo. 21-0001/ RQ/UBa/CIPAA/2021 OF 06/04/2021FOR THE SUPPLY OF BINDING EQUIPMENT AT THE CENTRAL LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BAMENDAFinancing:244-461-220048-222300, 244-461-220048-222304 et 244-461-220048-222305
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids:Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/02/2021 for supply andinstallation of solar street lamps. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the construction of offices on the 2nd floor of the C2D- LCU building at Mulang Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply of two double cabin pick-ups and a Prado vehicle.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the maintenance ofpot holes on some tarredroads in BamendaOpen National Invitation to Tender N°01 l/ONIT/BCClTB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the reconstruction ofthe elevation ofthefenceRound the Bamenda CityCouncil premises at MulangBamenda.. Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply and installation ofa 200KV standby generator in Bamenda CityCouncil.Within the framework of the execution of ...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids:Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/02/2021 for supply andinstallation of solar street lamps.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the construction of offices on the 2nd floor ofthe C2D- LCU building at Mulang Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply of two double cabin pick-ups and a Prado vehicle.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the maintenance ofpot holes on some tarredroads in BamendaOpen National Invitation to Tender N°01 l/ONIT/BCClTB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the reconstruction ofthe elevation ofthefenceRound the Bamenda CityCouncil premises at MulangBamenda.. Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the supply and installation ofa 200KVstandbygenerator in Bamenda CityCoitncil.Within the framework of the execution of the 20...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids:Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/02/2021 for supply andinstallation of solar street lamps.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the construction of offices on the 2nd floor ofthe C2D- LCU building at Mulang Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply of two double cabin pick-ups and a Prado vehicle.Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the maintenance ofpot holes on some tarredroads in BamendaOpen National Invitation to Tender N°01 l/ONIT/BCClTB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the reconstruction ofthe elevation ofthefenceRound the Bamenda CityCouncil premises at MulangBamenda.. Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCCITB/2021of 26/03/2021 for the supply and installation ofa 200KVstandbygenerator in Bamenda CityCoitncil.Within the framework of the execution of the 20...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation of deadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/02/2021 for supply andinstallation of solar street lamps. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the construction of offices on the 2nd floor of the C2D- LCU building at Mulang Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply of two double cabin pick-ups and a Prado vehicle. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the maintenance ofpot holes on some tarred roads in Bamenda Open National Invitation to Tender N°01 l/ONIT/BCClTB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the reconstruction ofthe elevation ofthefence Round the Bamenda CityCouncil premises at MulangBamenda. . Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply and installation ofa 200KVstandby generator in Bamenda CityCoitncil. Within the framework of the exec...
PUBLIC NOTICE Subject: Prolongation ofdeadline for submission of bids: Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/02/2021 for supply andinstallation of solar street lamps. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the construction of offices on the 2nd floor of the C2D- LCU building at Mulang Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply of two double cabin pick-ups and a Prado vehicle. Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the maintenance ofpot holes on some tarred roads in Bamenda Open National Invitation to Tender N°01 l/ONIT/BCClTB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the reconstruction ofthe elevation of thefence Round the Bamenda CityCouncil premises at Mulang Bamenda. . Open National Invitation to Tender N°012/ONIT/BCCITB/2021 of 26/03/2021 for the supply and installation ofa 200KV standby generator in Bamenda City Coitncil. Within the framework of the e...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
Subject: Re-Scheduiing of Bid Opening Session for 2021 Further to the Bid Opening Session that was initially programmed for Saturday, the 10th of April, 2021 at the Babessi Council Hall, bidders and any person with vested interest are here by informed that the exercise has been re-scheduled due to circumstances beyond our control. The new date is set here below. SN TITLE OF PROJECT INITIAL DATE NEW DATE 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N® 03/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI COUNCIL HALL IN BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N^ 06/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF BABESSI PALACE, BABESSI MUNICIPALITY, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION 10™ APRIL 2021 14th APRIL 2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N<^ 07/ONIT/BC/BCITB/PIB/2021 OF 23/02/202.1 FOR THE OPENING OF ...
ADDENDUM No. 1: AMENDMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS Dear Sir / Madam, S/N PROJEC T TITTLE INITIAL DATE OF OPENING FINAL DATE OF OPENINC; REMARKS 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N01/ONIT/MINDEVEL/NWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Rehabilitation And Renovation Of The Ako Council Chambers, Ako Sub-Division Donqa Mantunq Division 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 FOR WIDEST DIFFUSION/ PUBLICATION 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 02/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021OF 11TH MARCH. 2021 For The Construction Of A Block Of Two Classrooms At Government School Mblribua, Ako Subdivision Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 003/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Maintenance Of The Border Market Junction - Buku Road, Ako Subdivision D 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 4 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N-04/ONIT/MINDEVEUNWR/DMD...
ADDENDUM No. 1: AMENDMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS Dear Sir / Madam, S/N PROJEC T TITTLE INITIAL DATE OF OPENING FINAL DATE OF OPENINC; REMARKS 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N01/ONIT/MINDEVEL/NWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Rehabilitation And Renovation Of The Ako Council Chambers, Ako Sub-Division Donqa Mantunq Division 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 FOR WIDEST DIFFUSION/ PUBLICATION 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 02/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021OF 11TH MARCH. 2021 For The Construction Of A Block Of Two Classrooms At Government School Mblribua, Ako Subdivision Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 003/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Maintenance Of The Border Market Junction - Buku Road, Ako Subdivision D 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 4 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N-04/ONIT/MINDEVEUNWR/DMD...
ADDENDUM No. 1: AMENDMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS Dear Sir / Madam, S/N PROJEC T TITTLE INITIAL DATE OF OPENING FINAL DATE OF OPENINC; REMARKS 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N01/ONIT/MINDEVEL/NWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Rehabilitation And Renovation Of The Ako Council Chambers, Ako Sub-Division Donqa Mantunq Division 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 FOR WIDEST DIFFUSION/ PUBLICATION 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 02/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021OF 11TH MARCH. 2021 For The Construction Of A Block Of Two Classrooms At Government School Mblribua, Ako Subdivision Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 003/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Maintenance Of The Border Market Junction - Buku Road, Ako Subdivision D 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 4 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N-04/ONIT/MINDEVEUNWR/DMD...
ADDENDUM No. 1: AMENDMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS Dear Sir / Madam, S/N PROJEC T TITTLE INITIAL DATE OF OPENING FINAL DATE OF OPENINC; REMARKS 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N01/ONIT/MINDEVEL/NWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Rehabilitation And Renovation Of The Ako Council Chambers, Ako Sub-Division Donqa Mantunq Division 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 FOR WIDEST DIFFUSION/ PUBLICATION 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 02/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021OF 11TH MARCH. 2021 For The Construction Of A Block Of Two Classrooms At Government School Mblribua, Ako Subdivision Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 003/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Maintenance Of The Border Market Junction - Buku Road, Ako Subdivision D 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 4 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N-04/ONIT/MINDEVEUNWR/DMD...
ADDENDUM No. 1: AMENDMENTS ON THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTS Dear Sir / Madam, S/N PROJEC T TITTLE INITIAL DATE OF OPENING FINAL DATE OF OPENINC; REMARKS 1 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N01/ONIT/MINDEVEL/NWR/DMD/ASD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Rehabilitation And Renovation Of The Ako Council Chambers, Ako Sub-Division Donqa Mantunq Division 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 FOR WIDEST DIFFUSION/ PUBLICATION 2 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N- 02/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021OF 11TH MARCH. 2021 For The Construction Of A Block Of Two Classrooms At Government School Mblribua, Ako Subdivision Donga Mantung Division, North West Region 01/04/2021 10/04/2021 3 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 003/ONIT/MINDDEVEUNWR/DMD/AC/ACITB/2021 OF 12/03/2021 For The Maintenance Of The Border Market Junction - Buku Road, Ako Subdivision D 01/04/2021 11/04/2021 4 OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N-04/ONIT/MINDEVEUNWR/DMD...
POSTPONEMENT OF SUBMISSION DATE In relation to the Invitationfor bids for National Competitive BiddingTender No: 017/2021/NCB/STB/GP-IRDP OF 08/03/2021 FOR THE SUPPLY OF VALUE CHAIN EQUIPMENT IN ONE (1) LOT
Postnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19th of March, 2021 and the 26th of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hallbave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N° 001 Bearing on the Postponenient of the Opening Date of Tender Files N° 05/ONIT/ BICITB /BlC/MEZAM/NWR/2021 OF 09/03/2021 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE LINKING AKWENA I AND NTANCHE II IN BAMENDA I COUNCIL AREA, MEZAM DIVISION OF THE N W R. N° 06/ONIT/ BICITB /BIC /BlSD/MEZAM/NWR/2021 OF 09/03/2021 FOR THE EXTENSION OF WARDS AT THE INTERGRATED HEALTH CENTER BAMENDANKWE, IN BAMENDA I COUNCIL AREA,MEZAM DIVISION, N W R.The state of Cameroon represented by the LORD MAYOR OF BAMENDA 1 COUNCIL (CA). named as "ADMINISTRATION ' HEREBY DECIDES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1 This Present Additional Clause has as objective the Postponement of the Opening date of the aforementioned Projects due to the late transmission of the Tender Notices to the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency for Publishing. INSTEAD OF THE BIDS SHALL BE OPENED ON TUESDAY 30^" MARCH, 2021. READ THE BIDS SHALL BE OPENED ON WEDNESSDAY, THE 07TH APRIL, 2021. ARTICLE 2: That all Bidders in Possession of this T...
ADDITIONAL CLAUSE N° 001 Bearing on the Postponenient of the Opening Date of Tender Files N° 05/ONIT/ BICITB /BlC/MEZAM/NWR/2021 OF 09/03/2021 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE LINKING AKWENA I AND NTANCHE II IN BAMENDA I COUNCIL AREA, MEZAM DIVISION OF THE N W R. N° 06/ONIT/ BICITB /BIC /BlSD/MEZAM/NWR/2021 OF 09/03/2021 FOR THE EXTENSION OF WARDS AT THE INTERGRATED HEALTH CENTER BAMENDANKWE, IN BAMENDA I COUNCIL AREA,MEZAM DIVISION, N W R.The state of Cameroon represented by the LORD MAYOR OF BAMENDA 1 COUNCIL (CA). named as "ADMINISTRATION ' HEREBY DECIDES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1 This Present Additional Clause has as objective the Postponement of the Opening date of the aforementioned Projects due to the late transmission of the Tender Notices to the Public Contracts Regulatory Agency for Publishing. INSTEAD OF THE BIDS SHALL BE OPENED ON TUESDAY 30^" MARCH, 2021. READ THE BIDS SHALL BE OPENED ON WEDNESSDAY, THE 07TH APRIL, 2021. ARTICLE 2: That all Bidders in Possession of this T...
Postnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19th of March, 2021 and the 26th of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hallbave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below
The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19TH of March, 2021 and the 26TH of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hallbave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19TH of March, 2021 and the 26TH of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hall bave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
Postnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19TH of March, 2021 and the 26TH of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hall bave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
Postnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19TH of March, 2021 and the 26TH of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hall bave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
Pnstnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19TH of March, 2021 and the 26^^ of March 2021 atthe Babessi council Hall bave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
Postnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19th of March, 2021 and the 26th of March 2021 at the Babessi council Hall bave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
Postnonement oF Bid Opening Session for 2021 The Lord Mayor of the Babessi Council (contracting Authority] hereby informs the général public and bidders in particular that, the bid opening sessions that were initially scheduled forthe 19th of March, 2021 and the 26th of March 2021 at the Babessi council Hallbave been postponed in accordance with the schedule below;
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