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ADDENDUM N° 3 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS CONSULTATION N° I7/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/2016 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED PASTURES AND FODDER PRODUCTION FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. The Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all those interested in the above call for quotations that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016, and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016, that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 and carried forward to Tuesday the 29th of November 2016 has th been extended to Tuesday 6th December 2016
ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLlNE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS CONSULTATION N°17/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/20I6 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION DEGRADED PASTURE FODDLR PRODUCTON FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LlFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON The director General of the North West Authority (MIDENO) the Excecuting Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP. Informs all those interested in the above call for Quotation that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016. and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016 that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 and carried forward to the 15th of November 2016 has been extended to Tuesday the 29th of November 2016. Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per th...
OPEN NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING N° 18/ONC/B/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 04/10/2016 FOB THE SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONNSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF FISH PONDS FOR THE LlVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIEIDEP) FOR THE NORIH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Director of the North West Development Authority (MIDENO) THE Executing Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP informs all those interested in the above Invitation to lender that the deadline for submission of Bids originally stated for 08th November 2016 has been carried forward to 15th November 2016 Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per the consultation Notice
CONSULTATION NO 17/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/2016 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED PASTURES AND FODDER PRODUCTION FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. ADDENDUM NO 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Director General of The North West Development Authority (MIDENO), the Executing Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP, informs all those interested in the above call for quotations that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016, and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016, that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 has been carried forward to 15 November 2016 . Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per the consultation Notice.

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