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ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS FOR REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 43/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2020 OF 19/10/2020 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF STORAGE FACILITY FOR OXEN AND TOOLS FOR THE OPERATIONALIZATION OF 7 DEMONSTRATION PLOTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENTPROJECT (LIFIDEP) The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), / informs all bidders for the above Request for Quotations,that the deadline for submission of bids originally slated for 19th November 2020 has been canied forward to 24th November 2020 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
ADDENDUM N° 2 TO THE REQUESTFOR QUOTATION N° 42/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2020 OF 02/10/2020 FOR THE SUPPLY OF 84 TRAINABLE CATTLE FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) The Project Coordmator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above Request for Quotations, that the deadline, for submission of bids that was carried forward to 19th November 2020 at 11 am has been further carried forward to 24th November 2020 at 1.00 am at the Secretariat of the Project of f Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street.Bamenda , Cameroon.
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 38/RFQ/ LIFIDEP/STB/2019 OF18/2/2020 FOR THE SUPPLY OF 3 MILK VANS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDSThe Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above Request for quotations, that the deadline for submission of bids that was carried forward to 10th April, 2020 has been further carried forward to 30th APRIL 2020 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 38/RFQ/ LIFIDEP/STB/2019 OF18/2/2020 FOR THE SUPPLY OF 3 MILK VANS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDSThe Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above Request for quotations, that the deadline for submission of bids that was carried forward to 10th April, 2020 has been further carried forward to 30th APRIL 2020 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
ADDENDUM N° 1CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission ofbids originally slated for Wednesday 6 November 2019 has been carried forward to Thursday 7 November 2019 at 10 am at the Secretariat ofthe Project ofCoordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission of bids that was carried forward to for 14 of June 2019 has been hirther carried forward to the 17 JUL 2019 at 10 am the Secretariat ofthe Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.Bidders are further informed that some clarifications to the bidding documents will be issued in the days ahead.
LIMITED INTERNATIONAL RIDDING N° 32/AOIR/MINMAP/CCPM-AG/2018 OF13/3/2019 FOR THE SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT FOR IILAD FOR PRODUCTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF GENETIC MATERIALS TO THE BENEFIT OF THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above callfor tenders, that the deadline for submission of bids originally slated for 15 May 2019 has been carried forward to the 14 JUN 2019 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.Bidders are further informed that some clarifications to the bidding documents will be issued in the days ahead
INVITATION LETTER/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N^31/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2018OF 13/3/2019 FOR THE SUPPLY OFMATERIALS FOR TRAINING OF 400 FARMERS AND GRAZERS TOIMPROVE PASTURE LAND FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. ADDENDUM 1CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission ofbids originally slated for Friday 5 April 2019 has been carried forward to Wednesday 17th of April 2019 at 11 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon
INVITATION LETTER/REQUEST FOR QUOTATION NO 30/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2018 OF 13/3/2019 FOR THE SUPPLY OF VACCINES, DEWORMERS, MINERAL LICKS, VACCINATION SYRINGES & NEEDLES AND COLD CHAIN EQUIPMENT FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON IN TWO (2) LOTS. ADDENDUM NO 1 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission of bids originally slated for Friday 5 April 2019 has been carried forward to Wednesday 17th of April 2019 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda , Cameroon.
OPEN INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK(IDB) MEMBER COUNTRIES, N° 29/ICB/MC/MINMAP/CCPM-BEC/2018 OF 4/12/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 7 DEMONSTRATION AND MULTIPLICATION PLOTS AND ITS COMPLIMENTARY WORKS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) IN TWO (02) LOTS ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), wishes to inform all those who acquired bidding documents for the above call for bids that the deadline for submission ofbids has been further carried forward to Friday the 22nd of February 2019 at 10.00 am.
OPEN INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB) MEMBER COUNTRIES, N° 29/ICB/MC/MINMAP/CCPM-BEC/2018 OF 4/12/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 7 DEMONSTRATION AND MULTIPLICATION PLOTS AND ITS COMPLIMENTARY WORKS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) IN TWO (02) LOTS ADDENDUM NO 1 CARRYING MODIFICATION OF ARMP ACCOUNT NUMBER AND DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), wishes to clarify as follows: INSTEAD OF READ Article 7 of the procurement notice A complete set of the Bidding Documents in English can be consulted during working hours, at the Secretariat of the Project Coordinator of LIFIDEP, LIFIDEP Building Ayaba street, P.O Box 142, Mankon Bamenda, Cameroon as soon as this notice is published, or obtained upon presentation of receipt of payment of a non-refundable sum of one hundred Thousand (100,000) FCFA, payable into account Number NO 3359...
OPEN INTERNATTONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING ISLAMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK (ISDB) MEMBER COUNTRIES,N° 26/ICB/MC/MINMAP/CCPM-BLC72018 OF 24/7/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OFBASIC COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) IN TWO (02) LOTS. ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDSThe Project Coordinalor of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), infonns all bidders and prospective bidders for the above call for tenders, that the deadline for submission of bids originally slated for 28 September 2018 has been carried forward to Friday 19th of October 2018 at 10 am at the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, Cameroon.
OPEN INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING ISLAMICDEVELOPMENT BANK (ISDB) MEMBER COUNTRIES,N° 26/ICB/MC/MINMAP/CCPM-BEC/2018 OF 24/7/2018 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF BASIC COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) IN TWO (02) LOTS. ADDENDUM N° 1 CLARIFYING ON PAGES 1-61 AND 1-62 OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS The Project Coordinator of the Live stock and Fisheries Development Project(LIFIDEP), informs all those who acquired bidding documents for the above call for tenders, that if by any chance, their bidding documents donot contain pages 1-61 and 1-62, to collect these pages from the Secretariat of the Project of Coordinator, LIFIDEP Building, Ayaba Street Bamenda, on publication of this addendum.
Addendum 1 carrying forward the date for opening of financial pronosals for procurement of Individual consultants for the Credit Study and Capacity Building of Micro-Finance institutions.
N° 01/ LOI / LIFIDEP/STB/2018 OF 05/1/2018 FOR THE SELECTION OF AN INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT FOR THE CAPACITY BUILDING OF TWO SELECTED MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS ON ISLAMIC MICROFINANCING WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD THE DATE OF SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all shortlisted candidates of the above Letter of Invitation,that the deadline for submission of proposals originally slated for 6 of February 2018 has been carried forward to Friday the 9 of February 2018, same time and same place. For: LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT
CONSULTATION N° 22/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 17/4/2017 FOR THE SUPPLY OF BROOD STOCK FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the above mentioned consultation that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017
CONSULTATION N° 21/RFQ/ LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 13/4/2017 FOR THE SUPPLY OF A DISTRIBUTION VAN WITH AERATORS FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF FINGERLINGS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS TheProject Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the above mentioned consultation that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017.
CONSULTATION N° 20/RFQ/LIFIDEP/STB/2017 OF 13/4/2017 FORTHE SUPPLY OF A DISTRIBUTION TRUCK ADAPTER FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF SMALL RUMINANTS FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Project Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP) informs all bidders of the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for the 16th of May 2017 has been carried forward to Wednesday the 31st of May 2017.
ADDENDUM N° 3 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS CONSULTATION N° I7/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/2016 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED PASTURES AND FODDER PRODUCTION FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. The Coordinator of the Livestock and Fisheries Development Project (LIFIDEP), informs all those interested in the above call for quotations that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016, and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016, that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 and carried forward to Tuesday the 29th of November 2016 has th been extended to Tuesday 6th December 2016
ADDENDUM N° 2 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLlNE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS CONSULTATION N°17/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/20I6 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION DEGRADED PASTURE FODDLR PRODUCTON FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LlFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON The director General of the North West Authority (MIDENO) the Excecuting Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP. Informs all those interested in the above call for Quotation that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016. and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016 that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 and carried forward to the 15th of November 2016 has been extended to Tuesday the 29th of November 2016. Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per th...
OPEN NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING N° 18/ONC/B/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 04/10/2016 FOB THE SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT FOR THE CONNSTRUCTION AND REHABILITATION OF FISH PONDS FOR THE LlVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIEIDEP) FOR THE NORIH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON ADDENDUM N° 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Director of the North West Development Authority (MIDENO) THE Executing Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP informs all those interested in the above Invitation to lender that the deadline for submission of Bids originally stated for 08th November 2016 has been carried forward to 15th November 2016 Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per the consultation Notice
CONSULTATION NO 17/RFQ/MIDENO/LIFIDEP/STB/2015 OF 26/9/2016 FOR THE SUPPLY OF SEEDS TO SUPPORT PASTORAL FARMERS FOR THE REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED PASTURES AND FODDER PRODUCTION FOR THE LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (LIFIDEP) FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION OF CAMEROON. ADDENDUM NO 1 CARRYING FORWARD DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS The Director General of The North West Development Authority (MIDENO), the Executing Agency and Contracting Authority of LIFIDEP, informs all those interested in the above call for quotations that originally appeared in the Public Contracts Journal on the 29th of September 2016, and Cameroon Tribune of 5th October 2016, that the deadline for submission of quotations originally slated for 27th of October 2016 has been carried forward to 15 November 2016 . Interested bidders are informed that consultation files are still available and can be obtained from the Secretariat of the Director General of MIDENO as per the consultation Notice.