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Sep 20, 2023 PAMOL SUD-OUEST ADDITIF 30.2 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 03/2023 POSTPONMENT OF RIDS OPENING SESSIONS.The General Manager of Paniol Plantations Pic inlbrms the 13idders who tendered for the undcrrnentioncd that duc to unforcseen eireunistanees, the date for submission/13ids opening schedulcd for 20/09/2023 has hccn postponcd to 27/09/2023.I) N°005/ONIT/PAMOL/TD/ITB/2023 FOR THE SUPPLY OF 1.5 TONS MINVAN TO PAMOLthe venue and time remain the same.Parnol regret the inconvcnienee this may cause. Yours sincercly.

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