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Total 2 entries found
Mar 21, 2017 CARPA CENTRE DC
Consultation No.02/17/DC/CIPM/CARPA of 09/03/2017 for the urgent supply of a luxury 4-Wheel Drive, air-conditioned and off-road vehicle to the Support Council for the Realisation of Partnership Contracts (CARPA), located at the Hippodrome neighbourhood in Yaounde.
Mar 21, 2017 CARPA CENTRE DC
Consultation N°02/17/DC/CIPM/CARPA du 09 MARS 2017 Relative à la fourniture en urgence d’un véhicule Tout terrain 4x4, climatisé, version luxe, au Conseil d’Appui à la Réalisation des Contrats de Partenariat (CARPA), situé à Yaoundé, quartier hippodrome

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