ADDENDUM TO TENDER Subject: ADDENDUM TO TENDER N° 004/ONIT/PR/MINMAP/SWRD/SWRTB/2017 OF 08/02/2017 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN AGRICL LTURAL POST WITH AN EXTERNAL KITCHEN AND V.I.P LATRIN AT EWELLE. In accordante with the regulation in force governing Public Contracts, the Regional Delegate wishes to inform the public that some corrections have been made on the above tender as follows: Thus, the public is informed that the date of 03rd March 2017 has been corrected to 08th of March 2017 white venue of Room on: (01) of the Regional delegation of MINMAP South West — Buea for submission of bids remain unchanged.
ADDENDUM TO TENDER Subject: ADDENDUM TO TENDER N°005/ONIT/PR/M1NMAP/SWRD/SWRTB/2017 OF 08/02/2017 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE REG IONAL DELEGATION OF BASIC EDUCATION, BUEA In accordante with the regulation in force governing Public Contracts, the Regional Delegate wishes to inform the public that some corrections have been made on the above tender as follows: Thus, the public is informed that the date of 03rd March 2017 has been corrected to 08th of March 2017 white venue of Room on: (01) of the Regional delegation of MINMAP South West — Buea for submission of bids remain unchanged.