The Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu, Contracting Authoirity hereby informs the following contractor that his bid has been declared successful. He is called upon to report at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Manyu for further formalities leading to the signing of his contract.
PUBLICATION OF TENDER RESULTS The Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu, Contracting Authoirity hereby informs the following contractor that his bid has been declared successful. He is called upon to report at the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Manyu for fui-iller formalities leading to the signing of his contract
PUBLICATION OF TENDER RESULTS The Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu, Contracting Authoirity hereby informs the following contractor that his bid has been declared successful. He is called capon to report ut the Divisional Delegation of Public Contracts Manyu for further formalities leading to the signing of bis contract