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Sep 14, 2017 DDM BUI NORD-OUEST DEC-ATTR 27.0 million FCFA
DECISION N° 06/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 OF 25th AUGUST 2017.Beanng on the award of Jobbing Order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 of 28 July 2017for the Construction of a Block of Three Classrooms at G.S Kiyan, Bui Division North west Region PROJECTOWNER: The Divisional Delegate MINEPAT BuiFUNDING: Public Investment Budget (PIB) 2017 MINEPAT
Sep 14, 2017 DDM BUI NORD-OUEST DEC-ATTR 27.0 million FCFA
DECISION N° 09/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 of 31st AUGUST 2017.Bearing on the award of Jobbing Order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N° O7/ONlT/DDMINMAP/BUl/DTB/2017 of 31st July 2017 for the Construction of Offices and Three (03) Classrooms At G.S. Kiyan in Bui Division, North West Region PROJECT OWNER; The Divisional Delegate MINEPAT BuiFUNDING: Public Investment Budget (PIB) 2017 MINEPAT
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 05/D/DDMINMAP/BUI//DTB/2017 OF 18th APRIL 2017 Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing Order relating to Request for Quotation N°01/RQ/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 of 17th March 2017 for the Acquisition of Facilities and Equipment at C.N.F.Z.V.H Jakiri, Bui Division North West Region PROJECT OWNER: The Director C.N.F.Z.V.H Jakiri FUNDINGS: Public Investment Budget (PIB) 2017 MINEPIA
May 17, 2017 DDM BUI NORD-OUEST DEC-ATTR 25.0 million FCFA
DECISION N°04/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 of 12TH April 2017. Bearing on the award of Jobbing Order relating to Open National invitation to Tender N° 04/ONIT/DDMINMAP/BUI/DTB/2017 of 28th February 2017 for the Construction of a Pigsty at Kumbo Principal Prison, Bui Division North West Region

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