Radio CommuniqueKindly broad cast the following announcement several times over your Radio Station, more particularly in headlines and in detail.TEXT; "The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Menchum (Contracting Authority ofthe Divisional Tenders Board for Menchum) in the North West Region, hereby representing the State of Cameroon within the frame-work of the 2018 Public Investment Budget ("BIP 2018")has amended dates of submission and opening of bids for some projects as follows:-
Radio CommuniqueKindly broad cast the following announcement several times over your Radio Station, more particularly in headlines and in detail.TEXT; "The Divisional Delegate of Public Contracts for Menchum (Contracting Authority ofthe Divisional Tenders Board for Menchum) in the North West Region, hereby representing the State of Cameroon within the frame-work of the 2018 Public InvestmentBudget ("BIP 2018")has amended dates of submission and opening of bids for some projects as follows:-