Request for Manifestation of Interest N° 002/RMI/MIDENO/B/13/84/2020 of 14 April 2020 For the recruitment of a consulting firmto carry out a feasibility study foran Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing Proiect (AGROVAMP). through the promotion of small scale food processing in the crop, livestock and fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of Cameroon (Lot 1) and For the Consulting Firm to carrv out an Assessment of Relevance, Impact and the Sustainability of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized RuralDevelopment Project PhaseI (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented in the North West Region of Cameroon (Lot 2)
REQUEST FOR MANIFESTATION OF INTEREST NO 003/RMl/MIDENO/B/84/2020 Lot 1: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to mobilize and sensitise 5,000 households and train 1,000 households in the three (3) Council areas of Mezam Division on appropriate household solid waste management Lot 2: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to provide material support to 500 households to facilitate household solid waste management
LAUNCHING OF REQUEST FOR MANIFESTATION OF INTERESTNO 002/RMI/MIDENO/B/13/84/2020 OF APRIL 2020 Lot 1: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out a Feasibility Study for an Agricultural Value Addition and Marketing (AGROVAMP), through the Promotion of Small Scale Food Processingin the Crop, Livestock and Fisheries subsectors in the North West Region of CameroonLot 2: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to carry out an Assessment of Relevance, Impact and theSustalnability of the Achievements of the Grassfield Participatory and Decentralized Rural Development Project Phase I (GP-DERUDEP I) Implemented in the North West Region of Cameroon
MANIFESTATION OF INTEREST LAUNCHING OF REQUEST FOR MANIFESTATION OF INTEREST N° 001/RMI/MIDENO/B/13/84/2020 OF 27 FEV 2020 Lot 1:The recruitment o fa Consulting Firm to carryout an inventory of potential roads for construction including socioeconomic and technical feasibility studies for some selected 50km urgently needed roads in Mezam Division ofthe North West Region of CameroonLot 2: The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to Carryout studies to supply portable water and irrigation water to MlDENO's four Trials and Demonstration Centers (TDCs) and two farmsincluding the construction and equipment of a borehole at TDC Nkwen or Santa.Lot 3:The recruitment of a Consulting Firm to study and construct a pilot renewable energy scheme for a community (minihydro)