COMMUNIQUÉ N° 04 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° No.05/ONIT/IDABATO/NDIAN/-ITB/2023 for the Rehabilitation of warf at shell creek The Mayor of Idabato Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows
COMMUNIQUÉ N° 01 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N004/ONIT/IC/ITB/2023 for the Construction of conccrete suspended footpath at Idabato II The Mayor of Idabato Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows
COMMUNIQUE N° 04 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER No 03/ONIT/IC/ITB/2023 for the Rehabilitation of integrated health centre at Idabato 2 The Mayor of Idabato Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER No.01/RQ/ MAYOR IDABATO COUNCIL-ITB/2023 for the purchase of six cassava grinding machines at Idabato 1
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 07/ONIT/ IC/ITB/PIB/2023 for the Provision of rain harvesting system for portable water at Idabato 2.
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER No.02/RQ/ MAYOR IDABATO COUNCIL-ITB/2023 for the Supply of five fishing boats, 15HP engine with fishing materials.
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°02/ONIT/IC-ITB/2023 for the Construction of a block of two classrooms at GS Pastor Creek Phase 1
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 08/ONIT/IC/ITB/2023 for the Construction of a concrete suspended footpath at Idabato 2 and Ikeya
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° No.06/ONIT/IC-ITB/2023 for the Installation of solar street light with concrete poles at Idabato 2