COMMUNIQUE N° 05 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 005/ONIT/KIC/KICITB/PIB 2021 OF 15/02/2021 FOR THE ACQUISITION OF SOLAR STREET LIGHTING AT BARRACKS. The Mayor of Kombo Itindi Council informs the following Contractor who tender for the above project that the Bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE N° 06 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 006/ONIT/KIC/KICITB/2021 of 15/02/2021 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BOREHOLE AND EQUIPMENT STAND TAPS FOR UCHE ASOD-NGOSSO II IN KOMBO ITINDI SUBDIVISION, NDIAN DIVISION. The Mayor of Kombo Itindi Council informs the following Contractor who tender for the above project that the Bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE N° 01 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 001/ONIT/ KOMBO ITINDI COUNCIL/KICITB/2021 OF 15/02/2021 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL BOAT AND SUPPLY OF TWO 75hP ENGINES AND ACCESSORIES IN KOMBO ITINDI MUNICIPALITY The Mayor of Kombo Itindi Council informs the following Contractor who tender for the above project that the Bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE N° 02 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 02/ONIT/KIC/NDIAN/KICITB/2021 OF 15/2/2021 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A REINFORCED CONCRETE SUSPENDED FOOTPATH AT BARRACKS IN KOMBO ITINDI COUNCIL AREA The Mayor of Kombo Itindi Council informs the following Contractor who tender for the above project that the Bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE N° 03 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 03/ONIT/KIC/NDIAN/KICITB/2021 OF 15/02/2021 FOR THE REHABILITATION OF REINFORCED CONCRETE WHARF AT NGOSSO IN KOMBO ITINDI COUNCIL AREA The Mayor of Kombo Itindi Council informs the following Contractor who tender for the above project that the Bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE N° 04 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N° 004/ONITIKIC/NDIAN/KICITB/2021 OF 15/02/2021 FOR THE PAVING OF FOOTPATH WITH INTERLOCKING BRICKS AT NGOSSO I IN KOMBO ITINDI COUNCIL AREA The Mayor of Kombo Itindi Council informs the following Contractor who tender for the above project that the Bids have been awarded as follows: