COMMUNIQUÉ N°3 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°03/ONJT/BC/BCITB/2019 of 09/07/2019 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND PARTIAL EQUIPMENT OF A SMALL PALM OIL PROCESSING UNIT IN D1KOME BALONDO The Mayor of Bamusso Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUÉ N° 4 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°04/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2019 of 10/07/2019 FOR THE SUPPLY OF PORTABLE WATER FROM NJANGASSA TO BEKUMU PHASE I The Mayor of Bamusso Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUÉ N° 5 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°05/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2019 of 10/07/2019 FOR THE EXTENSION OF PORTABLE WATER FROM NJANGASSA TO BEKUMU PHASE II The Mayor of Bamusso Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUÉ N° 1 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°01/ONIT/BC/BCITB/2019 of 09/07/2019 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF 02 CLASSROOMS IN GNS BEKUMU The Mayor of Bamusso Council informs the contractors who tendered for the above project that the bids have been awarded as follows: