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Aug 02, 2023 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 60.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS ' DECISION N° 06/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 8th JUNE 2023. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBONGE COUNC1L/MEME/ITB/2023 of 25th April 2023 for the Construction of The Youth Center (YC) at Mbonge Marumba, Mbonge Sub-Division, Meme Division in South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Youth's Affairs and Civic Education (BIP 2023) Within the framework of 2023 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 of 25th April 2023 for the Construction of The Youth Center (YC) at Mbonge Marumba, Mbonge Sub-Division, Meme Division in South West Region has been released as seen on the table below.
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 01/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 31th MARCH 2023. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 02/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 of 15th February 2023 for the construction of market sheds with twenty-eight (28) counters at Mbonge Marumba in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (BIP 2023)
May 04, 2023 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 14.6 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 03/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 4TH APRIL 2023. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N°.04/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 of 3R° March 2023 the Rehabilitation of Some Classrooms at GBPS Mbonge in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Basic Education (BIP 2023).

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