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Jun 12, 2024 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 80.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 05/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 OF 28TH MARCH 2024. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 13th February 2024 for the acquisition of second-hand public work machiner)/ (front head loader) at Mbonge Council in Meme Division, South West Region.... Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (BIP 2024) Within the framework of 2024 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 13th February 2024 for the acquisition of second-hand public work machinery (front head loader) at Mbonge Council in Meme Division, South West Region, Has been released as seen on the table below
Jun 12, 2024 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 20.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 04/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 OF 28TH MARCH 2024. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 04/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 13th February 2024 for the construction of eight (08) open market sheds with counters at Mbonge Marumba in Mbonge sub-Division, South West Region... Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (BIP 2024)- Within the framework of 2024 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 04/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 13th February 2024 for the construction of eight (08) open market sheds with counters at Mbonge Marumba in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Has been released as seen on the table below
Jun 12, 2024 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 65.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 03/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 OF 20TH MARCH 2024. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 03/OMIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 9th February 2024 construction and concreting of Mokambe Street at Mbonge Marumba in Mbonge sub-Division, South West Region.. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Public Works (BIP 2024) Within the framework of 2024 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 03/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 9th February 2024 for the construction and concreting of Mokambe Street at Mbonge Marumba in Mbonge sub-Division, South West Region. Has been released as seen on the table below.
Jun 12, 2024 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 23.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 02/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 OF 20TH MARCH 2024. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 02/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 9th February 2024 for the construction of a double box culvert behind the Divisional Officer's Residence to Eyonde Farm to Market Road at Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region... Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Within the framework of 2024 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 02/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 9th February 2024 for the construction of a double box culvert behind the Divisional Officer's Residence to Eyonde Farm to Market Road at Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Has been released as seen on the table below
Jun 12, 2024 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 30.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 01/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 OF 20TH MARCH 2024. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 01/ONIT/MBONGE COUNC1L/MEMEATB/2024 of 9t1l February 2024 for the construction of a Nursery block at GBPS Mbonge — Marumba, South West Region.. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Basic Education (BIP 2024) Within the framework of 2024 Public Investment Budget (PlB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby inforrns the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 01/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2024 of 9th February 2024 for the construction of a Nursery block at GBPS Mbonge Marumba, South West Region. Has been released as seen on the table below.
Aug 02, 2023 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 60.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS ' DECISION N° 06/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 8th JUNE 2023. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBONGE COUNC1L/MEME/ITB/2023 of 25th April 2023 for the Construction of The Youth Center (YC) at Mbonge Marumba, Mbonge Sub-Division, Meme Division in South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Youth's Affairs and Civic Education (BIP 2023) Within the framework of 2023 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 of 25th April 2023 for the Construction of The Youth Center (YC) at Mbonge Marumba, Mbonge Sub-Division, Meme Division in South West Region has been released as seen on the table below.
May 04, 2023 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 14.6 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 03/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 4TH APRIL 2023. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N°.04/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 of 3R° March 2023 the Rehabilitation of Some Classrooms at GBPS Mbonge in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Basic Education (BIP 2023).
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 01/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 31th MARCH 2023. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 02/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 of 15th February 2023 for the construction of market sheds with twenty-eight (28) counters at Mbonge Marumba in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (BIP 2023)
Jul 29, 2022 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 100.0 million FCFA
DECISION N° 02/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 OF 10TH JUNE 2022. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Tender N° 03/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 of 22ND April 2022 for the Construction of a Municipal Grandstand at Mbonge Marurnbcr in Meme Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (Bit) 2022)
DECISION N° 01/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 of 10TH JUNE 2022. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 01/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 of 22nd April 2022 for the Construction of a block of two (02) Classrooms at GBPS Mbonge in Mbonge Sub-Division., South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge; Funding: Ministry of Basic Education( bip 2022) The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby inforrns the general Public that following DeCision N° 01/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 of 10th June 2022., the above-mentioned project has been awarded as follows:
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 04/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 OF 28th JUNE 2022. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 04/OMIT/MBONGE COUNCVMEME/1TB/2022 of 25th May 2022 for the Developing and planting of trees at the Southern Bakundu and River Meme forest reserve in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife (B1P 2022) Within the framework of 2022 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general public that, the results for Open National Invitation to Tender N° 04/ONIT/ MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME /ITB/2022 of 25th May 2022 for the Developing and planting of trees at the Southern Bakundu and River Meme forest reserve in Mbonge Sub-Division, South West Region has been released as seen on the table
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 06/M3ONGE COUNCIENIEME/ITB/2022 OF 28th JUNE 2022. Bearing on the Publication of results in relation with Request for Quotation N° 01/RCV/MBONGE COUNCVMEME/11-6//2022 OF 25th May 2022 for the supply of didactics materials at the vocational training center Mbonge in Meme Division, South West. Region Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (BIP 2022) Within the framework of 2022 Public Investment Budget (PIB), The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general Public that, the results in relation with Request for Quotation IV 01/RQHMBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB//2022 of 25th May 2022 for the supply of didactics materials at the vocational training center Mbonge in Meme Division, South West Region has been released as seen on the table below.
DECISION 05/MBONGE COUNCIL/MOVIE/FIB/2022 OF 30th JUNE 2022. Bearing on the Publication of results for Open National invitation to Tender N° 05/ONIT/MBOKE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2022 of 25th May 2022 for the Construction of two Cocoa Ovens in Mbonge Sub Division South West Region Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council (Contracting Authority). Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (B1P 2022) THE MAYOR Of- ivifiONGE COUNCIL MINDFUL OF: The Constitution; MINDFUL OF: The Decree N ° 2018/366 of 20th June 2018 to institute the Public Contracts Code; MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 organizing the Government; MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/412 of 09 December organizing the Presidency of the Republic; MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/410 of 9 December 2011. forming the Government MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2012/074 of 08 March 2012 relating to the Setting up, Organizing and Functioning of the Tender Boards MINDFUL OF: Order N° 000304/0/MINDDEVEL of 91'' March 2020 t...
DECISION N°09/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 OF 16.`" JUNE 2021. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Tender N° 07/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCII/MEME/ITB/2021 of 21sT April 2021 for the construction of a cultural Centre at Big Nganjo in Mbonge Sub- Division, South West Region Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council (Contracting Authority). Funding: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (PIFS 2021) THE MAYOR OF MBONGE COUNCIL MINDFUL OF: The Constitution; MINDFUL OF: The Decree N ' 2018/366 of 20`h June 2018 to institute the Public Contracts Code; MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 organizing the Government; MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2011/412 of 09 December organizing the Presidency of the Republic; MINDFUL OF. Decree 2011/410 of 9 December 2011 forming the Government MINDFUL OF: Decree N° 2012/074 of 08 Match 2012 relating to the Setting up, Organizing and Functioning of the Tenders Bc)ar,.1 MINDFUL OF: Order Na 000304/0/MINDDEVEL of 9TH Ma...
May 06, 2021 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 35.0 million FCFA
DECISION N° 05/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 OF 9TH April 2021. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Request for Quotation N' 02/RQ/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 12th March 2021 for the supply of medical equipment at CMA Mbonge, in Meme Division, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Public health (P113 2021) The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general Public that following Decision N° 05/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 9TH April 2021, the above-mentioned project has been awarded as follows:
May 06, 2021 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 35.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N° 04/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 OF 9TH APRIL 2021. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Tender N° 03/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 12th March 2021 for the Construction of a fence at the Mbonge Council building, South West Region. (Second Phase) Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Basic Education (PIB 2021) The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general Public that Iollowing Decision N° 04/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 9TH April 2021., the above-mentioned project has been awarded as follows:
May 06, 2021 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 18.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION 01/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 OF 9T" APRIL 2021. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Tender N° 01/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 4th March 2021 for the Construction of a block of two (02) classrooms at GBPS Mbonge in Mbonge Sub-Division., South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Basic Education (BIP 2021) The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general Public that following Decision 01/MBONGE COUNCIUMEME/ITB/202I of 9T" April 2021., the above-mentioned project has been awarded as follows:
May 06, 2021 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 25.0 million FCFA
DECISION N° 02/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 OF 9r" April 2021. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Tender N° 02/ONIT/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of ilth March 2021 for the Construction of a Nursery block at GNS Mbonge‑ Marumba in Mbonge Sub-Division., South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Cout3eil (Contracting Authority). Funding: Ministry of Basic Education (PM 2021) The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general Public that following Decision N° 02/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 9TH April 2021., the above-mentioned project has been awarded as follows: The above-mentioned Enterprise should report at the Mbonge Council within seven (07) days from the date of publication for other formalities.
May 06, 2021 MAIRE DE BONGE SUD-OUEST COMM 35.0 million FCFA
DECISION NO 03/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 OF 9TH April 2021. Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing order relating to Tender N° 01/RQ/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 4th March 2021 for the acquisition and installation of solar streetlights in Mbonge Municipality, South West Region. Project Owner: Mayor of Mbonge Council. Funding: Ministry of Water Resources and Energy (PIB 2021) The Mayor of Mbonge Council, "Contracting Authority" hereby informs the general Public that following Decision N° 03/MBONGE COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2021 of 9TH April 2021., the above-mentioned project has been awarded as follows:
PUBLICATION OF TENDER RESULTS FOR THE 2020 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET (BIP) FOR MBONGE COUNCIL The lollowing enterprises have heen retained to execute works considering their success in the bid award process.
DECISION NO. 02/MMC/2020 bearing on the Award of contract for Open National Invitation to Tender No.02/AONO/COMMUNE DE MBONGE/MEME/CPMI/2020 of 15/04/2020 for the supply of medical equipment to IHC Bai Manya, Big Bekondo, Big Nganjo, Bokosso, and Big Ngwandi THE MAYOR MBONGE COUNCIL Mindful: Of the 1996 constitution as amende(' and supplemented by Law No.2008/001 of 14/04/2008; Mindful: Of Decree No 204/275 of 24' September 2004 on Public Contract Code; Mindful: Of Derme No 2011/408 of 9' Deceniber, organizing the President of the Rcpublic; Mindful: Of Decree No. 2011/410 of Decenilx:r, 2011 li>miing the Commue' tt; Mindful: Of Decree No. 2012 ()I' 8' Mardi 2012 relatiiig tu the selling up, :nid functioi ling of the Tender Board, Mindful: Of Aretc No 0747/CAB/DR/ of 27' November, 2017 bearing on die ;ippon itment of personnel of the externat services of Ministry of Public Contract; Mindful: ( )1' Circulai- No 001/CAB/PR of I frime 2012 of Lite awarcl, the control of...
COMMUNIQUE N° 4 /MMC/2017 Bearing on the Publication of the result of Invitation of Request of Quotation in Mbonge Council for the 2017 Financial Year. The Lord Mayor Mbonge Council, contracting Authority, hereby publishes the results of the request of Quotation.

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