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DECISION NO. 02/MMC/2020 bearing on the Award of contract for Open National Invitation to Tender No.02/AONO/COMMUNE DE MBONGE/MEME/CPMI/2020 of 15/04/2020 for the supply of medical equipment to IHC Bai Manya, Big Bekondo, Big Nganjo, Bokosso, and Big Ngwandi THE MAYOR MBONGE COUNCIL Mindful: Of the 1996 constitution as amende(' and supplemented by Law No.2008/001 of 14/04/2008; Mindful: Of Decree No 204/275 of 24' September 2004 on Public Contract Code; Mindful: Of Derme No 2011/408 of 9' Deceniber, organizing the President of the Rcpublic; Mindful: Of Decree No. 2011/410 of Decenilx:r, 2011 li>miing the Commue' tt; Mindful: Of Decree No. 2012 ()I' 8' Mardi 2012 relatiiig tu the selling up, :nid functioi ling of the Tender Board, Mindful: Of Aretc No 0747/CAB/DR/ of 27' November, 2017 bearing on die ;ippon itment of personnel of the externat services of Ministry of Public Contract; Mindful: ( )1' Circulai- No 001/CAB/PR of I frime 2012 of Lite awarcl, the control of...
PUBLICATION OF TENDER RESULTS FOR THE 2020 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET (BIP) FOR MBONGE COUNCIL The lollowing enterprises have heen retained to execute works considering their success in the bid award process.

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