PUBLICATION OF RESULT PUBLIC NOTICE No 04/PN/KUMBA I COUNCIL/KIC-ITB/2023 OF 28/04/2023 PUBLISHING RESULTS OF REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 001/RQ/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 28/03/2023 FOR THE PURCHASE OF A GENERATOR FOR KUMBA I SUB DIVISIONAL COUNCIL, IN THE KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SWR. The Mayor of Kumba I Council, Contracting Authority, hereby informs the general public that the following Enterprises have been retained for the award of REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 001/RQ/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 28/03/2023 FOR THE PURCHASE OF A GENERATOR FOR KUMBA I SUB DIVISIONAL COUNCIL, IN THE KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SWR.
PUBLICATION OF RESULT PUBLIC NOTICE No 06/PN/KUMBA I COUNCIL/KIC-ITB/2023 OF 05/0/2023 PUBLISHING RESULTS OF AN OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°: 05/ONIT/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 28/03/2023 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 02 COCOA OVENS AT KAKE AND BAROMBI BOH IN KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION. The Mayor of Kumba I Council, Contracting Authority, hereby informs the general public that the following Enterprises have been retained for the award of Open National Invitation to Tender N°: 05/ONIT/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 28/03/2023 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF 02 COCOA OVENS AT KAKE AND BAROMBI BOH IN KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION
PUBLICATION OF RESULT PUBLIC NOTICE No 01/PN/KUMBA I COUNCIL/KIC-ITB/2023 OF 21/04/2023 PUBLISHING RESULTS OF AN OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°: 0 1/ONIT/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 09/04/2023 FOR THE PHASE 2 FOR THE COMPLETION OF WORKS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FENCE AT BUEKEMUE INTEGRATED HEALTH CENTER IN KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION. The Mayor of Kumba I Council, Contracting Authority, hereby informs the general public that the following Enterprises have been retained for the award of Open National Invitation to Tender N°: 01/ONIT/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 09/04/2023 FOR THE PHASE 2 FOR THE COMPLETION OF WORKS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE FENCE AT BUEKEMUE INTEGRATED HEALTH CENTER IN KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION.
PUBLICATION OF RESULT PUBLIC NOTICE No 02/PN/KUMBA I COUNCIL/KIC-ITB/2023 OF 21/04/2023 PUBLISHING RESULTS OF AN OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°: 02/ONIT/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 09/04/2023 FOR THE REFORESTATION OF LAKE BAROMBI BOH FOREST RESERVE IN KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION. The Mayor of Kumba I Council, Contracting Authority, hereby informs the general public that the following Enterprises have been retained for the award of Open National Invitation to Tender N°: 02/ONIT/KUMBA I COUNCIL/MEME/ITB/2023 OF 09/04/2023 FOR THE REFORESTATION OF LAKE BAROMBI BOH FOREST RESERVE IN KUMBA I SUB DIVISION, MEME DIVISION, SOUTH WEST REGION..