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PUBLICATION OF RESULTS For the Rehabilitation Of the Kombone Bafaw-Lobange-Illeh Communal Road Within the Konye Municipality (4.815km) Session: Normal Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINADER, PIB 2024 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following Decision N2 05/2024/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCILATB/2024 of 28th March 2024, the project for the Rehabilitation Of the Kombone Bafaw-Lobange-Illeh Communal Road Within Me Konye Municipality (4.815km), Meme division, South West Region, has been declared as follows;
Apr 05, 2024 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 45.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS For the Construction of a Nursery School Block at G.N.S Diongo in Konye Sub-Division Session: Normal Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Fund ing: MINEDUB, PIB 2024 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following DecisionN2 02/2024/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2024 of 15t1 March 2024, the project/in- the Construction of rr Nursery School Block ut G.N.S Diongo, Konye Sub-division, Meme division, South West Region, bas been declared as follows:
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS For the Rehabilitation Of the Wone-Dipenda-Koba-Ibemi Communal Road Within the Konye Municipality (10.45km) Session: Normal Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINTP, PIB 2024 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following Decision N2 04/2024/D/MAYORIKONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2024 of 28th March 2024, the project for the Rehabilitation Of Me Wone-Dipenda-Koba-Ibemi Communal Road Within the Konye Municipality (10.45km), Meme division, South West Region, has been declared as follows;
Apr 05, 2024 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 100.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION 0F RESULTS For tue Extension of Sixty (60) Solar street lights to Ndoi and Kokaka in Konye Sub-Division Session: Normal Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Fu nd ing: MINDDEVEL, PIB 2024 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following Decision 01/2024/D/MAYORIKONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2024 of 15th'March 2024, the project for the extension of Si.vt). (60) Solar street lights to Ndoi and Kokaka, Konye Sub-division, Meme division. South West Re2ion. has been declared as follows;
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS For the Construction of a Modern Pouilly in Konye Town Session: Normal Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINEPIA, PIB 2024 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following Decision N2 03/2024/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2024 of 15`11 March 2024, the projectfin- the Construction of a Modern Poultry in Konye Town, Konye Sub-division. Meure division. South West Region. has becn declared as foilows;
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS LOT 2:For the Construction of Pavement in Full Gospel Street in Konye Town (95m - First Phase) Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINTP, PIB 2023
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS LOT 1: For the Rehabilitation of Streets in Mbakwa Supe in Konye Sub-Division (3.5km) Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINDDEVEL, PIB 2023
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS For the Rehabilitation of the Slaughter House in Konye Town Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINEPIA, PIB 2023
May 02, 2023 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 97.5 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS LOT 1: For the Construction of An Integrated Health Centre at Matondo II in Konye Sub-Division Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINSANTE, PIB 2023
May 02, 2023 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 44.7 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS For the Construction of three (03) Boreholes with Manual Pumps and one (01) Borehole with Solar System within the Konye Municipality Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINDDEVEL, PIB 2023
May 02, 2023 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 10.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS LOT 2: For the Construction of A Market Hanger with VIP Toilet at Weme in Konye Sub-Division Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINADER, PIB 2023
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION NL' 06/2022/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 29/04/2022 Bearing on the Publication of result for Jobbing Order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender 03/2022/ONIT/MAYOR/i(ONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 30th March 2022 For the Pavement of streets in Konye town, Konye sub division. (95 In along the Ngolo Bolo junction It!wards the D.O's Office junction (after the first 350m of Lot 1) Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Cornell Funding: WIINTP, PIB 2022 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following DECISION N-Q 06/2022/D/MAYOR'JKONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 29' April 2022, the Project for the For the Pavement of streets in Konye totvi (350nt along the Ngolo Bolo junction towards the D.O's Office junction (after the first 350m of Lot 1), Konyt_ Sub Division, Meine Division, South West Region, has been declared as follows;
Apr 26, 2022 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 41.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF ESULTS DECISION N0 01/2022/D/MAYOR/KONV COUNCILIITB/2022 of 21/03/2022 Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing Order r lating to Open National Invitation to Tender N2 01/2022/ONIT/MAYOR/KONYE COUP CIL/ITB/2022 of 15"' February 2022 For the Construction of a block of two (02) classrooms at G.S Kumba, in Konye sub Division, Meme Division, South west Region. Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINEDUB, PIB 2022
Apr 26, 2022 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 94.7 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N0 /03/2022/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 22/03/2022 Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing Ordei relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N0 02/2022/ONIT/MAYOR/KONYE CO INCIL/ITB/2022 of 10 February 2022 For the Construction of three (03) boreholes with Manuel] Pumps and one (01) with Solar system in Konye metropolis, Konye Sub Division Meme Division, South West Region.
Apr 05, 2022 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 94.7 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N003/2022/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 22/03/2022 Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing Order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N2 02/2022/ONIT/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCILIITB/2022 of Ieh February 2022 For the Construction of three (03) boreholes with Manual Pumps and one (01) with Solar system in Konye metropolis, Konye Sub Division, Meme Division, South West Region. Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINEE, PIB 2022 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following DECISIONM 03/2022/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 22nd March 2022, the Project for the Construction of three (03) boreholes with manual pumps and one (01) with Solar system in Konye metropolis, Konye Sub Division, Meme Division, South West Region, has been declared as follows.
Apr 05, 2022 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 41.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N_ 01/2022/DMAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 21/03/2022 Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing Order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender Na 01/2022/ONIT/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of le February 2022 For the Construction of a block of two (02) classrooms at G.S Kumbe, in Konye sub Division, Meme Division, South west Region. Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINEDUB, PIB 2022
Apr 05, 2022 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 94.7 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N0 02/2022/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCILITB/2022 of 22/03/2022 Bearing on the Publication of result for Contract relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N 02/2022/ONIT/M.AYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/1TB/2022 of 16e" February 2022 For the Provision of Solar Street Lights in Konye town, Konye Sub Division, Meme Division, South West Region. Session: NORMAL Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MINEE, PIB 2022 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following DECISION Ng 02/2022/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2022 of 22nd March 2022, die Project for the Provision of Solar Street Lights in Konye town, Konye Sub Division, Meme Division, South West Region, has been declared as follows;
May 06, 2021 MAIRE DE KONYE SUD-OUEST COMM 73.0 million FCFA
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N 02 /D/2021/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2021 of 46 02021 Bearing on the Publication of resuits for Contract relating to Open National Invitation to Tender 01/2021/ONIT/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2021 of 09"' March 2021 for; LOT 2: The Construction of a Warehouse in Konye Town, in Konye Sub Division, Meme Division, South west Region Project Ownt”-: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: MIN MDER, Public Investment Budget (PIB) 2021 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following DIX ISION N4Q2 /D/2021/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/1TB/2021 of le April 2021, the Project for the Construction of a Warehouse in Konye Town, in Konye Sub Division, Meme Division, South vvest Region has beon awarded as follows; The ahove mentioned Enterprise is requested to report at Konye council (Service of Local Development) within seven (07) days from the date of publication for other formalities.
PUBLICATION OF RESULTS DECISION N2 002/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2020 of le April 2020 Bearing on the Publication of results for Jobbing Order and Contract relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N2 01/ONIT/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2020 of 21" January 2020 for LOT 1: The provision of solar street lights in full gospel street, GHS street and the D.O's street in konyc and LOT 3: The provision of solar street lights in konye town in Konye sub-division, Mcme division, South West Region Project Owner: The Lord Mayor, Konye Council Funding: LOT 1: Ministry of water resources and Energy, Public Investment Budget (PIB) 2020 LOT 3: Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development, Public Investment Budget (PIB) 2020 The Lord Mayor of Konye Council (Contracting Authority) hereby informs the general public that following DECISION N9 002/D/MAYOR/KONYE COUNCIL/ITB/2020 of le April 2020, the above mentioned Jobbing Order and Contract have been awarded as follows

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