DECISION No. 002/TINTO COUNCIL/2021 RELATING TO THE OPEN INVITATION TO TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF MARKET STORES AT BACHUO AKAGBE MARKET. THE MAYOR OF TINTO COUNCIL MINDFUL of Decree No. 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 Instituting the Public Contracts Code MINDFUL of Arrte No.000221/0/MINDDEVEL of/ 05 MARCH 2020, bearing on the homologation of the election of Mr. ETCHU Joseph EYONG as Mayor of Tinto Council. HEREBY DECIDES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1: That the under mention enterprise has been retained as winner of the above tender .
DECISION No. 005/TINTO COUNCIL/2021 RELATING TO THE OPEN INVITATION TO TENDER FOR THE REHABILITATION OF A WAREHOUSE AT TINTO TOWN IN TINTO MUNICIPALITY. THE MAYOR OF TINTO COUNCIL MINDFUL of Decree No. 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 lnstituting the Public Contracts Code MINDFUL of Arrte No.000221/0/MINDDEVEL of/ 05 MARCH 2020, bearing on the homologation of the election of Mr, ETCHU Joseph EYONG as Mayor of Tinto Council. HEREBY DECIDES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1: That the under mention enterprise has been retained as winner of the tender below CONTRACTING AUTHORITY PROJECT DESCRIPTION ENTERPRISE AMOUNT TTC PERIOD OF EXECUTION MAYOR OF TINTO COUNCIL NO.006/ONIT/MAYOR/TOTB/P113202 I FOR THE REHABILITATION OF A WAREHOUSE AT TINTO TOWN GREAT MINDS CAMEROON CO. LTD. P.O BOX 641 BAMENDA 19 659 803 3MONTHS ARTICLE II: That this ordr shall be registered and communicated where and when necessary.
DECISION No. 006/TINTO COUNCIL/2021 RELATING TO THE OPEN INVITATION TO TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BLOCK OF TWO (02) CLASSROOMS AT G.S EYANG ATEM-AKO IN TINTO MUNICIPALITY THE MAYOR OF TINTO COUNCIL MINDFUL of Decree No. 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 Instituting the Public Contracts Code MINDFUL of Arrte No.000221/0/MINDDEVEL of/ 05 MARCH 2020, bearing on the homologation of the election of Mr. ETCHU Joseph EYANG as Mayor of Tinto Council.
DECISION No. 001/TINTO COUNCIL/2021 RELATING TO THE OPEN INVITATION TO TENDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF A POULTRY FARM IN TNTO TOWN. THE MAYOR OF TINTO COUNCIL MINDFUL of Decree No. 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 Instituting the Public Contracts Code MINDFUL of Arrte No.000221/0/MINDDEVEL of/ 05 MARCH 2020, bearing on the homologation of the election of Mr. ETCHU Joseph EYONG as Mayor of Tinto Council. HEREBY DECIDES AS FOLLOWS: ARTICLE 1: That the under mention enterprise has been retained as winner of the above tender