Decision No. 098/CDENO/AD/CITB/2023 of _05 SEPT 2023 bearing on the award of Open National Invitation to Tender No003/ONIT/CDENO/CITB/2023 of 14/02/2023 for the supply of office equipment/furniture
Decision No.032/023vo15/CDENO/AD/CITB/2023 of 25/04/2023 bearing on the award of Open National Invitation to Tender no. 004/ONIT/CDENO/CITB/2023 of 28/02/2023 for the construction of an extension path and some rehabilitation works at the CDENO Hatchery Unit.
032/023vo15/CDENO/AD/CITB/2023 of 25/05/2023bearing on the award of Open National Invitation to tender no.005/ONIT/CDENO/ CITB /2023 of 28/02/2023 for the construction of a motorable path in CDENO.
Decision No.043/CDENO/AD/CITB/2023 of 02/05/2023 bearing on the award of Open National Invitation to tender no.007/ONIT/CDENO/ CITB/2023 of 09/03/2023 for the construction of four water points in some localities of the North West Region.