PUBLIC NOTICE. SUBJECT:EXTENSION OF DATE FOR THE SUBMISSION OF BIDS FOR TENDER OIL 012/ON/T/CDENO/CITB/2022OF6/4/2022FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MODERN POULTRY SHED AT NDDR CENTRE MANKON AND THE SUPPLY OF A SERVICE VEHICLE TO CDENO BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RESPECTIVELY, The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby informs Bidders who tendered for the above mentioned job and those interested that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Friday 06/05/2022 at 11:00am and opening of this tender shall proceed on the same day at 12:00 noon.This is following a request by the tender Board to respect article 89 of the Public contract code. While waiting,accept my regards
PUBLIC NOTICE.SUBJECT:EXTENSION OFDATEFOR THESUBMISSIONOFBIDSFOR TENDEROIL OI2/ON/T/CDENO/CITB/2022OF6/4/2022FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A MODERNPOULTRYSHEDATNDDR CENTRE MANKON AND THE SUPPLY OF A SERVICE VEHICLE TO CDENO BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE RESPECTIVELY, The Administrative Director of the North West Livestock Development Fund (CDENO) hereby informs Bidders who tendered for the above mentioned job and those interested that the latest date for the submission of bids has been extended to Friday 06/05/2022 at 11:00am and opening of this tender shall proceed on the same day at 12:00 noon.This is following a request by the tender Board to respect article 89 of the Public contract code. While waiting, accept my regards