POSTPONEMENT OF BID OPENING Following the difficulties encountered in building up of TENDER 01/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022PROCEDURE FOR THE REHABILITATION OF COMMUNAL ROADS CATHOLIC MISSION- RICEFARM IN NDOPSUB DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION ;opening session initially programmed for Tuesday 22/03/2022 and the TENDER N°5/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022 THROUGH THE EMERGENCY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FULL CYCLEPRIMAY SCHOOL AT GOVERNMENTPRIMARY SCHOOL BAMUNKA,NDOP SUB DIVISIONNGOKETUNJIA DIVISION opening session scheduled for 30/03/2022 have been moved to Wednesday 06/04/2022. All other information remains unchanged.We regret the inconvenience this may cause.
POSTPONEMENT OF BID OPENING Following the difficulties encountered in building up of TENDER O1/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022PROCEDURE FOR THE REHABILITATION OF COMMUNAL ROADS CATHOLIC MISSION- RICEFARM IN NDOP SUB DIVISION, NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION OF THE NORTH WEST REGION ;opening session initially programmed for Tuesday 22/03/2022 and the TENDER N°5/ONIT/NC/NCITB/2022 THROUGH THE EMERGENCY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A FULL CYCLEPRIMAY SCHOOL AT GOVERNMENTPRIMARY SCHOOL BAMUNKA,NDOP SUB DIVISION NGOKETUNJIA DIVISION opening session scheduled for 30/03/2022 have been moved to Wednesday 06/04/2022. All other information remains unchanged.We regret the inconvenience this may cause