DECISION N°011/SC/SG/PS1/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011 /ONIT/SC/SCITB/2017of 03/04/2017 for the Control of the Construction of a Modern Market in Santa, Santa Council Area.
DECISION N° 012/SC/SG/PSl/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 012 /ONIT/SC/SCITB/2017 of 03/04/2017 for the Rural Electriiication of Mesoh Quarter in Pinyin, Santa Council Area.
DECISION N° 013/SC/SG/PSl/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 013 /ONIT/SC/SCITB/20I7of 03/04/2017 for the Matajem-Tumasang (Kongmefuh) Quarter Bridge in Pinyin, Santa Council Area.
DECISION N° 010/SC/SG/PSI/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing oreder to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 10/ONIT/SC/SCIT/2017 OF 03/04/2017 for the construction of a Modern Market in Santa, Santa Council Area
DECISION N° 009/SC/SG/PSl/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 002 BIS/ONn7SC/SCITB/2017 of 02/03/2017 for Construction of a Potable Water Supply Scheme by Gravity in Atualah (Pinyin) in Santa Council Area,
DECISION N°008/SC/SG/PSI/2017 BeariNg on the award of jobbing order relating Open National invitation to Tender N° 009/ONI/SC/SClTB/2017of 03/03/2017 for Lake Awing Potable Water Supply Facility Including All Installations in Santa Council Area
DECISION N° 007/SC/SG/PSI/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing order relating to Open National Invitation to Tender 008/ONlT/SC/SCITB/20I7of 03/03/2017 for the Construction of a Borehole Equipped with a Solar Panel with Tank at Baligham (Wung) in Santa Council Area
DECISION N° 006/SC/SG/PSI/2017 Bearing on the award of jobbing order relating to Open National Invitation to Tendcr N° 007/ONIT/SC/SCITB/2017of 02/03/2017 for the Construction and Equipping of the Reception Facility at Lake Awing in Santa Council Area.