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Total 2 entries found
Apr 16, 2018 MAIRE DE ZHOA NORD-OUEST DEC-ATTR 50.0 million FCFA
AWARD DECISION N° 01/DA/MlNMAP/RDNW/DD/ZC/ZCITB/2018 Bearing on the award of the contract for the construction of a Pediatric Ward in the Abar Integrated Health Center In Fungom Sub Division,Menchum Division
Apr 16, 2018 MAIRE DE ZHOA NORD-OUEST DEC-ATTR 31.0 million FCFA
AWARD DECISION N° 04/DA/MINMAP/RDNW/DD/ZC/ZCH B/2018 Bearing onthe award ot the contract for the Supply of Medical Equipments to some Health Institutions in Fungom Sub Division, Menehum Division.

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