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Mar 05, 2024 AIVDP SUD-OUEST AO 12.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE open National Invitation to Tender NO 003/24/ONIT/AIVDP/G0C of 12/02/2024 for the construction of a water storage tower & the rehabilitation of the second entrance to the head office of the Agriculture Infrastructure & Value Chain Development Project AIVDP - Buea SW Region Funding: 2024 AIVDP Goc Budget
Mar 05, 2024 AIVDP SUD-OUEST AO 102.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender NO 002/24/0NIT/AIVDP/GoC of 12/02/2024 for the Construction of Security Fences to protect Processing Units (Phase 1) & Irrigation Systems on 200HA of Arable land in Nkongle basin for the Agriculture Infrastructure &Value Chain Development Project in the South West Region Funding: 2024 AIVDP GoC Budget
Mar 05, 2024 AIVDP SUD-OUEST AO 130.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender NO 001/24/0NIT/AIVDP/GoC of 12/02/2024 for the construction and equipping of 5 blocks of double classroom & an office block in some localities in the South West Region Funding: 2024 AIVDP Goc Budget

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