Communique No. 003/2022 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°003/ONIT/GSWR-RDMINEPIA/SWRTB/2022 of 07/03/2022for the Construction the Regional Delegation of MINEPIA South West Region Phase 1, by emergency procedure The Governor of the South West Region informs the contractors who tendered for the aforementioned open national Invitation to tender that the contract has been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE No. 004/2022 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOROPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°004/ONIT/GSWR-RDMINEPIA/SWRTB/2022 of 08/03/2022 For the Project Management of the Construction Works of the South West Regional Delegation of MINEPIA Phase 1, by emergency procedure The Governor of the South West Region informs the contractors who tendered for the aforementioned open national Invitation to tender that the contract has been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE No. 005/2022 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR REQUESTS FOR QUOTATION: N°001/RQ/GSWR-RDMINPOSTEL/SWRTB/2022 of 09/03/2022 for the Acquisition of computer equipment for the Regional Delegation of MINPOSTEL South West by emergency procedure. AND N°002/RQ/GSWR-RDMINPOSTEL/SWRTB/2022 of 09/03/2022 for the Acquisition of office furniture and material for the Regional Delegation of MINPOSTEL South West by emergency procedure. The Governor of the South West Region informs the contractors who tendered for the aforementioned Requests for Quotation that the results of the award are as follows:
COMMUNIQUE No. 001/2022 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°001/ONIT/GSWR-RDMINEPAT-SW/SWRTB/2022 of 03/03/2022 for the Construction of a Multipurpose building to accommodate a Conference Hall, an Archive room and Guest House Section at the Regional Delegation Regional Delegation of MINEPAT South West Region in Buea,by emergency procedure. The Governor of the South West Region informs the contractors who tendered for the aforementioned open national Invitation to tender that the contract has been awarded as follows:
COMMUNIQUE No 002/2022 PUBLICATION OF RESULTS FOR OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER N°002/ONIT/GSWR-RDMINEPAT-SW/SWRTB/2022 of 04/03/2022 for the Construction of a borehole powered/Driven by an Electric pump at the Regional Delegation of MINEPAT South West Region in Buea, by emergency procedure The Governor of the South West Region informs the contractors who tendered for the