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Jun 06, 2019 PREFET > BOYO NORD-OUEST ADDITIF 22.0 million FCFA
ADDENDUM 002/A/MINAT/SDO/FUNDONG/DTB/2019. IN RELATION TO REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 001/RQ/MINAT/SDO/FUNDONG/DTB/2019 OF 29/04/2019, FOR THE EQUIPMENT OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCKAT GBHS FUNDONG, BOYO DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION. > Because of the socio-political crisis prevailing in Fundong sub division in particular and the insecurity that led to the difficulties of movement within the Division as a whole;> Because of the unforeseen and force majeure arising from this situation above.The opening ofbids for the tender file will be read as follows: INSTEAD OF: The opening of bids by the Divisional Tenders Board Boyo that was scheduled to take place on Friday 24/05/2019 at 11:00 am local time at the conference hall of the Senior Divisional Office Fundong, READ:The opening of bid by the Divisional Tenders Board Boyo shall take place on Tuesday 11/06/2019 at 11:00 am local time at the conference hall of the Senior Divisional Office Fundong.
Jun 06, 2019 PREFET > BOYO NORD-OUEST ADDITIF 28.0 million FCFA
ADDENDUM N° 001/A/MINAT/SDO/FUNDONG/DTB/2019.IN RELATION TO OPEN NATIONAL INVITATION TO TENDER BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE N° 003/lONIT/MINAT/SDO/FUNDONG/DTBl20l9 OF 29I04I20I9, FOR THE RURAL ELECTRIFICATION OF NGWAINKUMA, MELIAND MBISSI VILLAGES IN FUNDONG SUB DIVISION, BOYO DIVISION, NORTH WEST REGION. > Because of the socio-political crisis prevailing in Fundong sub division in particularand the insecurity that led to the difficulties of movements within the Division as a whole;> Because of the unforeseen and force majeure arising from this situation above.The opening ofbids for the tender file shall be read as follows: INSTEAD OF: The opening of bids by the Divisional Tenders Board Boyo that was scheduled to take place on Friday 24/05/2019 at 11:00 am local time at the conference hall of the Senior Divisional Office Fundong. READ:The opening of bid by the Divisional Tenders Board Boyo shall take place on Tuesday 11/06/2019 at 11:00 am local time at the conference hall of the Senior D...

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