TENDER NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N° 009/RQ/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2024 OF 16/4/23 FOR The supply of materialsiEquipment to some institutions and centers within the Buea Municipality LOT I: The Equipment of 3 Literacy centers within Buea; of BALALIA, Kinge Literacy Center and Manjinja Folkore LOT II: The Equipment in benches, teachers, tables and chairs in some primary school in the Buea Municipality (G.S. Molyko Town, G.S. Bwassa, G.S. Great Soppo I, G.S. Mapanja and GBPS Bonduma LOT III: Supply of Equipment to CEAC Bokova FINANCING: PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET 2024 FINANCIAL YEAR.
TENDER NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUOTATION N O 005/RQ/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2024 OF 23 rd /3/2Jy FOR The supply of materials/Equipment to some institutions and centers within the Buea Municipality LOT I: The Equipment of 3 Literacy centers within Buea; of BALALIA, Kinge Literacy Center and Manjinja Folkore LOT Il: The Equipment in benches, teachers, tables and chairs in some primary school in the Buea Municipality (G.S. Molyko Town, G.S. Bwassa, G.S. Great Soppo I, G.S. Mapanja and GBPS Bonduma LOT 111: Supply of Equipment to CEAC Bokova FINANCING: PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET 2024 FINANCIAL YEAR.