SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the followittg announcentent to be read over your radio network programs as many tintes as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 001/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the replacement of the roof at the new council Building Tender No: 002/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the Construction of a block of two classrooms at G.B.P.S Bonduma Tender No: 003/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the Construction of road from Slaughter House Buea to Presbyterian Church Lower Farms.
SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio network programs as many times as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 007/RQ/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Supply of 230 benches to some primary schools in Buea (G.S. Bonduma, G.S Great Soppo and G.S. Wonyamavio) Tender No: 008/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Purchase of working materials to fight against COVID 19 within the Buea Municipality. Tender No: 009/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Construction of Women Empowerment Center in Buea Town. Tender No: 010/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Purchase of an official Vehicle for the Mayor Buea Council.
SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio network program as many tunes as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 004/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 09/03/2021 for the Construction and Extension of portable water supply at Nyangamelle Tender No: 005/RQ/BUEA COUNC1L/BCTB/2021 of 09/03/2021 for the Supply of Equipment to some integrated Health Centers in Buea Tender No: 006/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 09/03/2021 for the Drilling of two electrical boreholes in sorne localities in Buea Sub-Division of the Fako Division — South West Region