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SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT Sequel to correspondence No 033/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 012 for the Construction of the Sasse water catchment phase I and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise BROWN'S ENTERPRISE for an amount of seventy million two hundred and forty eight thousand three hundred (70,248,300) francs without tax and eighty three million eight hundred and fourteen thousand twenty eight (83,814,028) francs all taxes inclusive. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT \ Sequel to correspondence NO 024/BCTB/C/2022 the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 009 for the EQUIPMENT OF THE BAKWERI LITERACY CENTER and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise NAKUM'S ENTERPRISE for an amount of ten million thirty five thousands (IO,035,000)francs without tax and eleven million nine hundred and sixty six thousands seven hundred and thirty eight (11,966,738) francs all taxes inclusive. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT 1 Sequel to correspondence N 029/BCTB/C/2022 the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 008 for the Rehabilitation of some primary schools in the Buea municipality,LOT III REHABILITATION OF GS BOMAKAand in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has awarded to your enterprise UNCLE SAM'S COMPANY LIMITED for an amount of five million eight hundred and sixty thousands (5,860,000) francs without tax and six million nine hundred and eighty eight thousands fifty (6,988,050) francs all taxes inclusive.. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT Sequel to correspondence No 032/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 011 for the Construction of a box culvert at Babuti/Bonaberi and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise GEORGE AND JERRY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED for an amount of forty six million one hundred and five thousand (46,105,000) francs without tax and fifty four million rule hundred and eighty thousand two hundred and thirteen (54,980,213) francs all taxes inclusive. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT‘ Sequel to correspondence NO 027/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 008 for the Rehabilitation of some primary schools in the Buea municipality,LOT II REHABILITATION OF GS BOVAand in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise UNCLE SAM'S COMPANY LIMITED for an amount ofsix million seven hundred (6,700.000) francs without tax and seven million nine hundred and eighty nine thousands sevens hundred and fifty (7,989,750) francs all taxes inclusive. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT Sequel to correspondence N 026/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 003 for the Rehabilitation of road from Catholic Church cathedral Molyko stadium to boxing station and from HIMS to the main market road Muea and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise GEORGE AND JERRY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY for an amount of thirty seven million seven hundred and thirty (37,730,000) francs without tax and forty four million nine hundred and ninety three thousand twenty five ( 44,993,025) all taxes inclusive. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT Sequel to correspondence N0;025/BCTB/C/2022 y the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 001/ ONIT/BUEACOUNCTL/BCTB 2022 for theConcreting of road with gutters from the main road Wondongo to the Mayor's residence Buea town and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code,the contract has been awarded to your enterprise GEORGE AND JERRY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY for an amount of twenty five million one hundred and fifty one thousand (25,151,000) francs without tax and twenty nine million nine hundred and ninety two thousands five hundred and sixty eight (29,992,568) all taxes inclusive. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.—
SUBJECT; AWARD OF CONTRACT Sequel to correspondence NO-; 31/BCTB/C/2022 by the president of the Buea Council tender's board with a favourable recommendation for the award of contract for tender NO 006 for the Refurbishment of some places (mile 17 round about, police round about, and hospital round about)and in conformity with Article 99(a) of the public contract code, the contract has been awarded to your enterprise DE SAKO COMPANY for an amount of sixteen million seven hundred and sixty seven thousands five hundred (16,767,500) francs without tax and nineteen million nine hundred and ninety five thousands two hundred and forty four (19,995,244) francs. You are therefor called upon to urgently report at the private secretariat of the mayor of Buea council for subscription and notification of the contract to complete the award process.
SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the followittg announcentent to be read over your radio network programs as many tintes as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 001/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the replacement of the roof at the new council Building Tender No: 002/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the Construction of a block of two classrooms at G.B.P.S Bonduma Tender No: 003/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the Construction of road from Slaughter House Buea to Presbyterian Church Lower Farms.
SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio network programs as many times as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 007/RQ/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Supply of 230 benches to some primary schools in Buea (G.S. Bonduma, G.S Great Soppo and G.S. Wonyamavio) Tender No: 008/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Purchase of working materials to fight against COVID 19 within the Buea Municipality. Tender No: 009/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Construction of Women Empowerment Center in Buea Town. Tender No: 010/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 10/03/2021 for the Purchase of an official Vehicle for the Mayor Buea Council.
SUBJECT: ANNOUNCEMENT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio network program as many tunes as possible Bearing on the postponement of bids opening session for: Tender No: 004/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 09/03/2021 for the Construction and Extension of portable water supply at Nyangamelle Tender No: 005/RQ/BUEA COUNC1L/BCTB/2021 of 09/03/2021 for the Supply of Equipment to some integrated Health Centers in Buea Tender No: 006/ONIT/BUEA COUNCIL/BCTB/2021 of 09/03/2021 for the Drilling of two electrical boreholes in sorne localities in Buea Sub-Division of the Fako Division — South West Region
THE MAYOR, BUEA COUNCIL LE MAIRE DE BUEA TO THE STATION MANAGER, CBS REVIVAL GOSPEL RADIO > RADIO BONAKANDA )- DIVINE MERCY RADIO SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio • The Lord Mayor of the Buea Council, Contracting Authority wishes to iform the following Contractor thdt he has been awarded the following contract within the 2019 Public Investment Budget project.
THE MAYOR, BUEA COUNCIL LE MAIRE DE BUEA TO THE STATION MANAGER, CBS REVIVAL GOSPEL RADIO Y RADIO BONAKANDA Y DIVINE MERCY RADIO SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio # network programmes as many times as possible The Lord Mayor of :he Buea Council, Contracting Authority wishes inform the following Contractc that he has been awarded the following conte et within the 2019 Public Investment Budget project.
THE MAYOR, BUEA COUNCIL LE MAIRE DE BUEA To THE STATION MANAGER, CBS REVIVAL GOSPEL RADIO RADIO BONAKANDA DIVINE MERCY RADIO SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT Please kindly cause the following announcement to be read over your radio network programmes as many times as possible The Lord Mayor of the Buea Council, Contracting Authority wishes to inform the following Contractor that he has been awarded the following contract within the 2019 Public Investment Budget project.
THE MAYOR, BUEA COUNCIL LE MAIRE DE BUEA TO THE STATION MANAGER, CBS REVIVAL GOSPEL RADIO RADIO BONAKANDA > DIVINE MERCY RADIO SUBJECT: AWARD OF CONTRACT Please kindly cause the following dnnouncement to be4 read over your radio network program res as many times as possible The Lord Mayor of the Buea Council, Contracting Authority wishes to inform the following Contractor that he has been awarded the following contract within the 2019 Public lnvestment Budget project.