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Total 21 entries found
Sep 12, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 169.9 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N°017/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 06/09/2024 for Supply and Distribution of Catfish Feeds,Fingerlings,Fish Pond Equipment,Fish Tanks and Floating Cages in Fako,Lebialem,Manyu,Meme,and Ndian Divisions,South West Region By Emergency Procedure Financing:IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing:2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Sep 12, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 65.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 014/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 03/09/2024 for Supply and Distribution of Honey Production Kits in Fako, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian Divisions, South West Region By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
Sep 07, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 164.5 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 016/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 04/09/2024 for the Acquisition and Distribution of Plantain Plantlets and Maize Seeds in Fako, Ndian, Manyu, Meme and Lebialem Divisions, South West Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Sep 07, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 198.3 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 015/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/2023/2024 PULCCA of 04/09/2024 for the Acquisition and Distribution of Improved Cassava Cuttings in Fako, Ndian, Manyu, Meme and Lebialem Divisions, South West Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Aug 21, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 15.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 012/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 16/08/2024 for the Supply and Installation of an Automated Weather Information Station at Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), By Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2024 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2024
Aug 21, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 99.1 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCAJ2023/2024 of 13/08/2024 forthe Supply and Distribution of Fertilizers and Fungicides for Primary Production of Maize and Potato, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
Aug 02, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 20.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 011/SOWEDA/2024 Related to Tender N° 010/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER/PIB/2024 of 30/05/2024 for theRecruitment of an Engineering Consultai-lev Firm in View of Carrving Out Studies for the Design and Construction of Roads and Water Supply Schemes in Fako and Manvu Divisions —SW Region By Emergency P roced u re. Publication of Results The Director General of the Southwest Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs the Ione bidder who submitted bids in response to the Tender indicated above that the Jobbing Order lias been awarded as follows:
Jun 12, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 20.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/24/ONIT/SOWEDAJSITB/1VIINADER/PIB/2024 of 30/05/2024 for the Recruitment of an Engineering Consultancy Firm in View of Carrying Out Studies for the Design and Construction of Roads and Water Supply Schemes in Fako and Manyu Divisions —SW Region By Emergency Proced ure. Funding: MINADER 2024 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADERJPIB/SOWEDA/2024
Jun 12, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 15.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 28/05/2024 for the Supply and Installation of an Automated Weather Information Station at Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), By Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2024 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADERJPIB/SOWEDA/2024
Mar 27, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 28.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER/PIB/2024 of 26/03/2024 for the Construction of 02 (Two) Farm Gate Hangars in Buea and Limbe Sub­Divisions, Fako Division — SW Region — By Emergency Procedure Funding: 2024 MINADER/PIB
Mar 27, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 65.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 004/SOWEDA/2024 Related to Tender N° 004/24/ONIT/SOWEDAJSITB/MINADER/PIB/2024 of 16/02/2024 for the Construction of 04 (Four) Market Hangars in Buea, Tiko and Limbe, Fako Division — SW Region By Emergency Procedure.
Mar 21, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 57.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 003/SOWEDA/2024 Related to Tender N° 003/24/ONIT/SOWEDAJSITB/MINADER-PIB/2024 of 29/01/2024 for the Construction of Water Supply Schemes (Boreholes) at Ekona Seed Multiplication Centre (Fako Division) and Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), South West Region. Publication of Results The Director General of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs bidders who submitted bids in response to the Tender indicated above that the Jobbing Orders have been awarded as follows:
Mar 21, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 98.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/COCOA TAX SUBSIDY /2024 of 20/03/2024 for the Supply of 02 (Two) Vehicles to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA GOC/2024; Line: 222000/GOC/Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2024
Mar 20, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 30.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation te Tender N° 006/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2024 of 15/03/2024 for the Renovation of 03 (Three) Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre Barombi Kang Kumba (Former Cocoa Coffee Seedlings Centre), Meme Division - South West Region, by Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINADER-PIB/2024
Restricted National Invitation to Tender NO 005/24/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GoC/2024 of 06/03/2024 for the Recruitment of a Consultancy Firm to Audit the 2023 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA. Funding: SOWEDA/G0C/2024 - Line 612051
Feb 27, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 15.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE NO 002/SOWEDA/2024 Related to Tender NO 002/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/2024 of 22/01/2024 for the Supply of a Generator to SOWEDA. by Emergency Procedure. Publication of Results The Director General of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs the lone bidder who submitted bids in respofrlse totthe Tender indicated above that the Jobbing Order has been awarded as follows:
Feb 21, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 49.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE NO OO1/SOWEDA/2024 Related to Tender NO 001/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/COCOA/EXPORT-TAX SUBSIDY/2024 of 12/01/2024 for the Supply of Farm Inputs and Equipment to SOWEDA, By Emergency Procedure. Publication of Results The Director General of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs the lone bidder who submitted bids in response to the Tender indicated above that the Jobbing Orders have been awarded as follows:
Feb 21, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 65.0 million FCFA
Open Nationl Invitation to Tender N0 004/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER/PIB/2024 of 16/02/2024 FOR THE construction of 04 farm gate hangars in buea, tiko and Limbe Sud-Division-SW-Region By Emergency procedure
Jan 31, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 49.0 million FCFA
Tender NO 001/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/COCOA EXPORT-TAX SUBSIDY/2024 of 12/01/2024 for the Supply of Farm Inputs and Equipment to SOWEDA, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2024 Public Investment Budget (Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2024 Financing: 2024 Cocoa Export Tax Subsidy
Jan 31, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 57.0 million FCFA
open National Invitation to Tender NO 003/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2024 of 29/01/2024 for the Construction of Water Supply Schemes (Boreholes) at Ekona Seed Multiplication Centre (Fako Division) and Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), South West Region Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINADER-PIB/2024
Jan 25, 2024 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 15.0 million FCFA
open National Invitation to Tender NO 002/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/2024 of 22/01/2024 for the Supply of a Generator to SOWEDA, by Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA GOC/2024; Line: 222100/GOC 2024

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