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Total 7 entries found
Aug 17, 2022 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 65.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/22/0MT/SOWEDA/SrTB/SOWEDA-GOC/2022 of 16/08/2022 for the Supply of 01 (One) Station Wagon Vehicle to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA 2022; Line: GOC/222000
Jul 23, 2022 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 10.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/22/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 06/07/2022 for the Supply and Installation of a Wireless Weather Station at Nyan/Nkikoh Seed Multiplication Centre (Kupe­Muanenguba Division), By Emergency Procedure.Financing: MINADER 2022 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2022
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Specific Procurement Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development PROCUREMENT OF GOODS Mode of Financing: Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 101 ...
Jul 12, 2022 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 10.0 million FCFA
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Specific Procurement Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development PROCUREMENT OFGOODS Mode of Financing: Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 1011
Mar 30, 2022 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 5.0 million FCFA
SOUTH WEST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SOWEDA MISSION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA REGION DU SUD-OUEST Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 002/22/RN1T/SOWEDA/S1TB/GoC/2022 of 25/03/2022 for thé Recruitment of a Consultancy Finit to Audit the 2021 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA. Funding:SOWEDA/GoC/2021 — Line 612051
Feb 23, 2022 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 12.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001/22/ONIT/SOWEDA /SITB/GOC/2022 of 16/02/2022 for the Rehabilitation and Renovation of SOWEDA Office Buildings in Buea Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: SOWEDA/GOC//2022
MINISTR Y OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DE VELOPMENT AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN EVELOPMENT PROJECT Specific Prorureme Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Develorrient PROCUREMENT OF WORKS Mode of Financing: Lites and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 101! Contract Tit fe: CONSTRUCTION OF 55 COCOA GREENHOUSE DRYERS AND FERMENTATION STRUCTURES IN SOME LOC kLITIES IN THE SOUTH WEST REGION

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