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Total 2 entries found
Jun 30, 2021 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 13.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N°of 14/06/2021 for the Supply and Installation of Feed Mill Equipment at the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Tiko Sub­Division — Fako Division, Sou 004/21/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB th West Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINEPIA-PIB/2021 - 55 31 406 09 / 330002 2813
Mar 11, 2021 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 13.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001/21/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the Construction of a Feed Mill at the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Fako Division - South Wc,.n Region, By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINEPIA-PIB/2021

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