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Jul 21, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 12.0 million FCFA
AVIS DDAPPEL D'OFFRES Appel d'offres national ouvert n° 002/23/ONIT/AIVDP/GoC du 10/07/2023 pour !a construction d'un forage au siege du Projet d'infrastructure agricole et de developpement de Ia chaine de valeur AIVDP — Region Sud-Ouest de Buea Financement : Budget 2023 du GC de I'AIVDP
Jul 06, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 58.0 million FCFA
Ilw Director General of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs the lone bidder who submitted bids in response to the Supply of 02 (Two) Double Cabin Pickup Vehicles to SO WI;DA us indicated above that the Jobbing Orders have been awarded as follows: Article I : The Jobbing Orders related to the Tender mentioned above is awarded as follows:
Jul 06, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 16.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 010/SOWEDA/2023 Tender N° 009/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2023 of 28/04/2023 for the Construction of a Maize Dryer at Nyan-Nkikoh Seed Multiplication Centre, Kupe Muanenguba Division, by Emergency Procedure. Publication of Results The Director General of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs the lone bidder who submitted bids in response to the Construction of a Maize Dryer at Nyan-Nkikoh Seed Multiplication Centre, Kupe Muanenguba Division as indicated above that the Jobbing Order has been awarded as follows:
THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF SOWEDA, Mindful of Law N° 2017/010 of 12/07/2017 to lay down the General Rules and Regulations governing Public Establishments; Mindful of Decree N° 87/1874 Of 17/12/87 to set up SOWEDA; Mindful of Decree N° 2019/308 of 18/06/2019 to appoint the Director of SOWEDA; Mindful of Decree N° 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 on the Setting up of the Public Contracts Code; Mindful of Decision N° 118/19/SOWEDA/DG of 13/11/2019 to set up the SOWEDA Internal Tenders Board, Mindful Circular N° 00000006/C/MINFI of 30/12/2022 on Instructions Relating to the Execution of Finance Laws, the Monitoring and Control of the Execution of the Budget of the State, and other Public Entities for the 2023 financial year; Mindful of Tender N° 007/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 05/04/2023 for the Supply and Installation of a Wireless Weather Station at Ekona Seed Multiplication Centre (Fako Division), By Emergency Procedure; Mindful of the Minutes of the SOWEDA Internal Tenders Board...
PRESS RELEASE N° 008/SOWEDA/2023 Tender N° 006/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/2023 of 29/03/2023 for the Rehabilitation of the Residence of the Director General of SOWEDA in Buea by Emergency Procedure.
PRESS RELEASE N° 005/SOWEDA/2023 Related to Tender N° 002/23/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GoC/2023 of 24/02/2023 for the Recruitment of a Consultancy Firm to Audit the 2022 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA
PRESS RELEASE N° 006/SOWEDAJ2023 Tender N° 005/23/ONJT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2022 of 23/03/2023 for the Supply of Sparc Parts, Repairs and Maintenance of the SOWEDA HDE Equipment D65EX-16 -Komatsu Bulldozer, By Emergency Procedure.
May 09, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 16.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2023 o 28/04/2023 for the Construction of a Maize Dryer at Nyan-Nkikoh Seed Multiplication Centre, Kupe Muanenguba Division, by Emergency Procedure. Funding: MINADER 2023 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2023
May 03, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 62.3 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 003/SOWEDA/2023 Related to Tender N° 004/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2023 of 03/03/2023 for the Construction and Rehabilitation of Water Supply Schemes (Borehole) at Moko Village (Fako Division) and Bakogo Village (Manyu Division), South West Region-By Emergency Procedure.
Apr 19, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 45.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 001/SOWEDA/2023 Tender N° 001/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINCOMMERCE/MINADER-PIB/2023 of 24/02/2023 for the Supply of Farm Inputs and Equipment to SOWEDA, By Emergency Procedure
PRESS RELEASE N° 002/SOWEDA/2023 Tender N° 003/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB/2023 of 03/03/2023 for the Rehabilitation of the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Fako Division - South West Region, by Emergency Procedure.
Apr 19, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 58.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/Micro-Credit Scheme/Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2023 of 12/04/2023 for the Supply of 02 (Two) Double Cabin Pickup Vehicles to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Micro-Credit Scheme/2023 & Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2023.
Mar 09, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 62.3 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 004/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2023 of 03/03/2023 for the Construction and Rehabilitation of Water Supply Schemes (Boreholes) at Moko Village (Fako Division) and Bakogo Village (Manyu Division), South West Region Funding: Midget of SOWEDA - Source: MINADER-PIB/2023
Mar 09, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 20.4 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 003/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB/2023 of 03/03/2023 for the Rehabilitation of the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Fako Division - South West Region, by Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINEPIA-PIB/2023
Mar 01, 2023 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 45.0 million FCFA
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 001/23/AONO/SOWEDA/CIPMS/MINCOMMERCE/MINADER-BIP/2023 du 24/02/2023 pour la fourniture des intrants et d'equipements agricoles a la SOWEDA, en procedure d'urgence. Financement: MINCOMMERCE. 2023 Budget de subvention de la taxe a I'exportation sur le cacao Financement: MINADER/BIP 2023
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Restreint N° 002/23/AAONR/SOWEDA/CIPM/GoC/2023 du 24/02/2023 pour le recrutement d'un consultant pour la realisation de l'audit des comptes et des etats financiers de la SOWEDA pour l'exercice 2022. Financement: SOWEDA/GoC/2023 — Ligne 612051
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 001/REI/SOWEDA/23 of 18/01/2023 for the Pre-Qualification of Consultancy Firms to Audit the 2022 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA.

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