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Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 005 /2019/NCB/STB/AIVDP du 1/10/2019 pour la fourniture sept (07) véhicule pickup double cabine 4x4 a AIVDP
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEIIEST N° 002/SOWEDA/REI/19 of 16/08/2019 for the Pre-Qualification of Firms to Supply Security Guard Services to SOWEDA during the 2020 Financial Year.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 001/REI/SOWEDA/19 of 16/08/2019 for the Pre-Qualification of Consultancy Firms to Audit the 2018 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA
Aug 21, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 96.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/MINFI-93/2019 of 14/08/2019 for the Construction of Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre at Nyan-Nkikoh, Kupe-Muanenguba Division - South West Region, ley Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of State/SOWE1)A Contrat-Man 2016-2019, Line MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Aug 21, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 286.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 09/08/2019 for the Supply of 01 (One) Motor Grader to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Aug 21, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 49.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 012/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITIM 'P/MINF1-93/2019 of 14/08/2019 for the Construction of 01 (One) Warehouse and a Drying slab at the Seed Multiplication Centre at Nyan-Nizikoh, Kupe-Muanenguha Division - South West Region, Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of State/SOWEDA Contrat-Plan 2016-2019, 1.ine MINH Chapter 93/2019
Aug 09, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 90.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 01/08/2019 for the Supply of 01 (One) 4x4 Dump Truck 12T to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
DÉCISION N°027/19/SOWEDA/DG/DF To Award the Contract for the Supply of 01 Light Truck to SOWEDA. THE DIR_ECTOR GENERAL OF SOWEDA, Mindful of Deeree No. 87/1874 Of 17/12/87 to set up SOWEDA; Mindful of Decree No. 2019/308 of 18/06/2019 to appoint the Director of SOWEDA; Mindful of Law No. 2017/010 of 12/07/2017 To Lay clown the General Rules and Régulations governing Public Establishments; Mindful of the Deeree 1\1' 2018/366 of 20 June 2018 bearing on the Public Contracts Code. Mindful of Arrêté N° 003/A/ MINMAP/SG/DAJ of 20 March 2013 to set up the SOWEDA Internai Tenders Board, Mindful of Decision N° 092/19/SOWEDA/D of 04 July 2019 on the composition of the SOWEDA Interna] Tenders Board; Mindful of Tender N° 007/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 12/06/2019 for the Supply of 01 (one) Light Truck 7T to SOWEDA. Mindful of the Minutes of the SOWEDA Internal Tenders Board meeting in the Contract Award Session of Thursday, 1 August 2019; Mindful of the needs of Service;
Jun 13, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 227.5 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 002/AIVDP/19 Related to Tender N° 001 /ONIT/AIVDP/SITB/GoC/2019 of 04/04/2019 for the Construction of Phase 1 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project for the South West Region (AIVDP) — By Emergency Procedure With Respect to Tender N° 001/ONIT/AIVDP/SITB/GoC/2019 of 04/04/2019 for the Construction of Phase 1 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project for the South West Region (AIVDP) By Emergency Procedure Publication of Result
Jun 13, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 45.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 001/AIVDP/19 Related to Tender N° 003/ONIT/AIVDP/SITB/GoC/2019 of 10/05/2019 for the Recruitment of an Engineering Consultancv Firm for the Control and Supervision of the Construction of Phase I of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructures Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) for the South West Region — Ely Mutual Agreement With Respect to Tender N° 003/ONIT/AIVDP/SITB/GoC/2019 of 10/05/2019 for the Recruitment of an Engineering Consultancy Firm for the Control and Supervision of the Construction of Phase 1 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) for the South West Region — By Mutual Agreement
Jun 06, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 15.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 04/06/2019 for the Supply of Maintenance Tools for the SOWEDA Garage in Buea, in Buea -SW Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Jun 06, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 40.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 009/SOWEDA/019 Related to Tender N° 003/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/19ôf 22/03/2019 for the Supplv of Agriculturai Equipment for thc Secd Multiplication Centre in Kupe­Muanenguba and Maintenance Tools for the SOWEDA Garane in Buea-SW Region. With Respect to Tender N° 003/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/19 of 22/03/2019 for the Supply of Agricultural Equipment for the Seed Multiplication Centre in Kupe-Muanenguba and Maintenance Tools for the SOWEDA Garage in Buea-SW Region.
Jun 06, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST COMM 45.0 million FCFA
PRESS RELEASE N° 008/SOWEDA/019 Related to Tender N° 002/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/19 of 20/03/2019 for the Supply of Office Equipment & Furniture for the SOWEDA Training Centre in Mamfe. With Respect to Tender N° 002/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 20/03/2019 for the Supply of Office Equipment & Fumiture for the SOWEDA Training Centre in Mamfe.
Apr 24, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 90.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 006/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 17/04/2019 for the Supply of 01 (One) 4x4 Dump Truck 12T to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Apr 16, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 227.5 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001/19/ONIT/AIVDP/GoC of 09/04/2019 for the Construction of Phase 1 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project for the South West Region (AIVDP) — By Emergency Procedure Funding: 2019 AIVDP GoC Budget
Apr 16, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 130.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 004/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 03/04/2019 for the Supply of Low Loader Traiter to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Apr 04, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 40.0 million FCFA
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation tu Tender N° 003/19/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 22/03/2019 for the Supply of Agricultural Equipment for the Seed Multiplication Centre in Nyan, Kupe-Muanenguba and Maintenance Tools for the SOWEDA Garage in Buea. -SW Region. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Mar 21, 2019 SOWEDA SUD-OUEST AO 45.0 million FCFA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 002/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 20/03/2019 for the Supply of Office Equipment & Furniture for the SOWEDA Training Centre in Mamfe - SW Region. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
PRESS RELEASE N° 003/19/SOWEDA/DG/IYAF With Respect to Tender N° 001/ONIT/SOWEDA/S1TB/GOC/2019 of 10/01/2019 for the Rehabilitation of the Retaining Wall / Fence and the Construction of a Drainage Channel at the Residence of the Director General of SOWEDA by Ernergency Procedure .
AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES NATIONAL OUVERT N° 001/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/2019 DU 10/01/2019 Pour La réhabilitation du mur de soutènement / Clôture et la construction de drain à la résidence du Directeur Général de SOWEDA

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