entries found
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 030/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 12/12/2024 forthe Construction of Fish Market Hangars in Mabeta, Limbe III (Fako Division), South West Region-By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 029/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/COCOA TAX SUBSIDY/2024 of12/12/2024 for the Supply of 02 (Two) Vehicles to SOWEDA By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA GOC/2024; Line: 222000/GOC/Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2024
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 027/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 22/10/2024 forthe Construction of Fish Market Hangars in Mabeta, Limbe III (Fako Division), South West Region-By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7I16-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
Request for Quotation N° 026/24/RQ/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 22/10/2024 for the Recruitment of a Service Provider for the Cultivation of 13 Hectares of Forage Fields in Bangem, Kupe Muanenguba Division, South West Region-By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 020/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 20/09/2024 for the Supply and Distribution of Equipment for the Transformation of Roots and Tubers (Motorized Cassava Graters) in Fako, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian Divisions, South West Region By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 019/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 20/09/2024 for the Supply and Distribution of Maize Threshing Machines and Plantain Cutters in Fako, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian Divisions, South West Region by Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 018/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 20/09/2024 For the Supply and Distribution of Equipment for the transformation of Plantain (Plantain Cutters) in Fako, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian Divisions, South West Region By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N°017/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 06/09/2024 for Supply and Distribution of Catfish Feeds,Fingerlings,Fish Pond Equipment,Fish Tanks and Floating Cages in Fako,Lebialem,Manyu,Meme,and Ndian Divisions,South West Region By Emergency Procedure Financing:IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing:2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 014/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 03/09/2024 for Supply and Distribution of Honey Production Kits in Fako, Lebialem, Manyu, Meme, and Ndian Divisions, South West Region By Emergency Procedure Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 016/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCA/2023/2024 of 04/09/2024 for the Acquisition and Distribution of Plantain Plantlets and Maize Seeds in Fako, Ndian, Manyu, Meme and Lebialem Divisions, South West Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 015/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/2023/2024 PULCCA of 04/09/2024 for the Acquisition and Distribution of Improved Cassava Cuttings in Fako, Ndian, Manyu, Meme and Lebialem Divisions, South West Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA/SOWEDA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 012/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 16/08/2024 for the Supply and Installation of an Automated Weather Information Station at Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), By Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2024 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2024
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/PULCCAJ2023/2024 of 13/08/2024 forthe Supply and Distribution of Fertilizers and Fungicides for Primary Production of Maize and Potato, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: IDA Loan 7116-CM-Emergency Project to Combat Food Crisis in Cameroon (PULCCA) Financing: 2023/2024 PULCCA Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/24/ONIT/SOWEDAJSITB/1VIINADER/PIB/2024 of 30/05/2024 for the Recruitment of an Engineering Consultancy Firm in View of Carrying Out Studies for the Design and Construction of Roads and Water Supply Schemes in Fako and Manyu Divisions —SW Region By Emergency Proced ure. Funding: MINADER 2024 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADERJPIB/SOWEDA/2024
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 28/05/2024 for the Supply and Installation of an Automated Weather Information Station at Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), By Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2024 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADERJPIB/SOWEDA/2024
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER/PIB/2024 of 26/03/2024 for the Construction of 02 (Two) Farm Gate Hangars in Buea and Limbe SubDivisions, Fako Division — SW Region — By Emergency Procedure Funding: 2024 MINADER/PIB
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/COCOA TAX SUBSIDY /2024 of 20/03/2024 for the Supply of 02 (Two) Vehicles to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA GOC/2024; Line: 222000/GOC/Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2024
Open National Invitation te Tender N° 006/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2024 of 15/03/2024 for the Renovation of 03 (Three) Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre Barombi Kang Kumba (Former Cocoa Coffee Seedlings Centre), Meme Division - South West Region, by Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINADER-PIB/2024
Restricted National Invitation to Tender NO 005/24/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GoC/2024 of 06/03/2024 for the Recruitment of a Consultancy Firm to Audit the 2023 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA. Funding: SOWEDA/G0C/2024 - Line 612051
Open Nationl Invitation to Tender N0 004/24/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER/PIB/2024 of 16/02/2024 FOR THE construction of 04 farm gate hangars in buea, tiko and Limbe Sud-Division-SW-Region By Emergency procedure
Tender NO 001/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/COCOA EXPORT-TAX SUBSIDY/2024 of 12/01/2024 for the Supply of Farm Inputs and Equipment to SOWEDA, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2024 Public Investment Budget (Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2024 Financing: 2024 Cocoa Export Tax Subsidy
open National Invitation to Tender NO 003/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2024 of 29/01/2024 for the Construction of Water Supply Schemes (Boreholes) at Ekona Seed Multiplication Centre (Fako Division) and Obang Seed Multiplication Centre (Manyu Division), South West Region Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINADER-PIB/2024
open National Invitation to Tender NO 002/24/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/2024 of 22/01/2024 for the Supply of a Generator to SOWEDA, by Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA GOC/2024; Line: 222100/GOC 2024
AVIS DDAPPEL D'OFFRES Appel d'offres national ouvert n° 002/23/ONIT/AIVDP/GoC du 10/07/2023 pour !a construction d'un forage au siege du Projet d'infrastructure agricole et de developpement de Ia chaine de valeur AIVDP — Region Sud-Ouest de Buea Financement : Budget 2023 du GC de I'AIVDP
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2023 o 28/04/2023 for the Construction of a Maize Dryer at Nyan-Nkikoh Seed Multiplication Centre, Kupe Muanenguba Division, by Emergency Procedure. Funding: MINADER 2023 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2023
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/Micro-Credit Scheme/Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2023 of 12/04/2023 for the Supply of 02 (Two) Double Cabin Pickup Vehicles to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Micro-Credit Scheme/2023 & Cocoa Tax Subsidy/2023.
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 004/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2023 of 03/03/2023 for the Construction and Rehabilitation of Water Supply Schemes (Boreholes) at Moko Village (Fako Division) and Bakogo Village (Manyu Division), South West Region Funding: Midget of SOWEDA - Source: MINADER-PIB/2023
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 003/23/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB/2023 of 03/03/2023 for the Rehabilitation of the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Fako Division - South West Region, by Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINEPIA-PIB/2023
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 001/23/AONO/SOWEDA/CIPMS/MINCOMMERCE/MINADER-BIP/2023 du 24/02/2023 pour la fourniture des intrants et d'equipements agricoles a la SOWEDA, en procedure d'urgence. Financement: MINCOMMERCE. 2023 Budget de subvention de la taxe a I'exportation sur le cacao Financement: MINADER/BIP 2023
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Restreint N° 002/23/AAONR/SOWEDA/CIPM/GoC/2023 du 24/02/2023 pour le recrutement d'un consultant pour la realisation de l'audit des comptes et des etats financiers de la SOWEDA pour l'exercice 2022. Financement: SOWEDA/GoC/2023 — Ligne 612051
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/22/0MT/SOWEDA/SrTB/SOWEDA-GOC/2022 of 16/08/2022 for the Supply of 01 (One) Station Wagon Vehicle to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA 2022; Line: GOC/222000
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/22/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB of 06/07/2022 for the Supply and Installation of a Wireless Weather Station at Nyan/Nkikoh Seed Multiplication Centre (KupeMuanenguba Division), By Emergency Procedure.Financing: MINADER 2022 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2022
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Specific Procurement Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development PROCUREMENT OF GOODS Mode of Financing: Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 101 ...
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Specific Procurement Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development PROCUREMENT OFGOODS Mode of Financing: Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 1011
SOUTH WEST DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY SOWEDA MISSION DE DEVELOPPEMENT DE LA REGION DU SUD-OUEST Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 002/22/RN1T/SOWEDA/S1TB/GoC/2022 of 25/03/2022 for thé Recruitment of a Consultancy Finit to Audit the 2021 Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA. Funding:SOWEDA/GoC/2021 — Line 612051
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001/22/ONIT/SOWEDA /SITB/GOC/2022 of 16/02/2022 for the Rehabilitation and Renovation of SOWEDA Office Buildings in Buea Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: SOWEDA/GOC//2022
MINISTR Y OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DE VELOPMENT AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN EVELOPMENT PROJECT Specific Prorureme Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agriculture Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Develorrient PROCUREMENT OF WORKS Mode of Financing: Lites and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 101! Contract Tit fe: CONSTRUCTION OF 55 COCOA GREENHOUSE DRYERS AND FERMENTATION STRUCTURES IN SOME LOC kLITIES IN THE SOUTH WEST REGION
Open National Invitation to Tender N°of 14/06/2021 for the Supply and Installation of Feed Mill Equipment at the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Tiko SubDivision — Fako Division, Sou 004/21/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB th West Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINEPIA-PIB/2021 - 55 31 406 09 / 330002 2813
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001/21/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINEPIA-PIB/2021 of 05/03/2021 for the Construction of a Feed Mill at the Zootechnical Centre in Ombe, Fako Division - South Wc,.n Region, By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: MINEPIA-PIB/2021
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011/20/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/SOWEDA-GOC/2020 of 14/08/2020 for the Supply of 01 (One) Vehicle (SUV) to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget SOWEDA 2020; Line: GOC/222000
Specific Procurement Notice Country: Cameroon Project: Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Sector: Agriculture and Rural Development PROCUREMENT OF WORKS Mode of Financing: Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CNR 1011IS Contract Title: Construction of 50 Ventilated Improved Pit (VIP)Toilets NCB Reference N°. 021/2020/NCB/STB/AIVDP
Avis de marché spécifique Pays: Cameroun Projet: Projet de Développement des Infrastructures Agricoles et de la Chaîne de Valeur (AIVDP) Secteur: Agriculture et Développement Rural ACQUISITION DES TRAVAUX Mode de financement: Fonds pour la vie et les moyens d'existence (LLF) Financement n ° CMR 101115 Titre du contrat: Construction de 30 infrastructures de marché rural Numéro de référence NCB 020/2020 / NCB / STB / AIVDP
MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGRICULTURAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND VALUE CHAIN DE VEL OPMENT PROJECT Specific Procurement Notice Cameroon Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project (AIVDP) Agriculture and Rural Development PROCUREMENT OF GOODS/WORKS Mode of Financing: Lives and Livelihood Fund (LLF) Financing No. CMR 1011IS Contract Title: Supply of Agricultural Inputs (Fertilizers, Pesticides, Polybags andl'am tools) for 2020 - 2023. NCB Reference N°014/2020/NCB/STB/A1VDP of 09/07/2020
AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES NATIONAL OUVERT N° 010/20/AONO/SOWEDA/CPIM/CP/2019/ du 18/06/2020 Pour La fourniture d’une niveleuse à la SOWEDA, en prcédure d’urgence
MINISTÈRE DE L'AGRICULTURE ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT RURAL PROJET DE DÉVELOPPEMENT DES INFRASTRUCTURES AGRICOLES ET DE LA CHAÎNE DE VALEUR Avis D'achat Spécifique Cameroun Projet de développement des infrastructures agricoles et de la chaîne de valeur (AIVDP) Agriculture et développement rural
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/20/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2020 of 15/05/2020 for the Supply of Tyres to SOWEDA, by Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget MINADER-PIB/SOWEDA 2020; Une: MINADER-PIB 2020
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/20/ONIT/SOWEDA /SITB/GOC/2020 of 21/04/2020 for the Rehabilitation and Renovation of SOWEDA Office Buildings, By Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: SOWEDA/GOC//2020
Open National Invitation te Tender N° 006/20/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2020 of 03/04/2020 for the Supply of Farm Inputs to SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure. Financing: MINADER 2020 PUBLIC INVESTMENT BUDGET; Line: MINADER/PIB/SOWEDA/2020
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 005/20/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/MINADER-PIB/2020 of 26/03/2020 for the Supply of 01 (One) 10,000L Capacity 12T Water Tanker Truck to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget MINADER-PIB/SOWEDA 2020; Line: MINADER-PIB 2020
NATIONAL OUVERT N0 004/AONO/SOWEDA/CIPM/GOC/2020 du 12/04/2020 pour la pour la réhabilitation de la Re.sidenee du Directeur Cénéral de la SOM'EDA à Buca Financement: Budget of SOWEDA - Source: SOWEDA/GOC/2020
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001l20/0NIT/AIVDP/doc of 30/01l2020 for the construction of Phase 2 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project for the South West Region (AIVDP)
Request for Quotation N° 001/20/RQ/SOWEDA/SITB of 07/01/2020 for the Recruitment of a Firnt to Provide Security Guard Services to SOWEDA for the 2020 Financiai Year Funding: SOWEDA GoC/HDE 2020 Budget
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 005 /2019/NCB/STB/AIVDP du 1/10/2019 pour la fourniture sept (07) véhicule pickup double cabine 4x4 a AIVDP
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 012/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITIM 'P/MINF1-93/2019 of 14/08/2019 for the Construction of 01 (One) Warehouse and a Drying slab at the Seed Multiplication Centre at Nyan-Nizikoh, Kupe-Muanenguha Division - South West Region, Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of State/SOWEDA Contrat-Plan 2016-2019, 1.ine MINH Chapter 93/2019
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/MINFI-93/2019 of 14/08/2019 for the Construction of Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre at Nyan-Nkikoh, Kupe-Muanenguba Division - South West Region, ley Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of State/SOWE1)A Contrat-Man 2016-2019, Line MINFI Chapter 93/2019
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 09/08/2019 for the Supply of 01 (One) Motor Grader to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 01/08/2019 for the Supply of 01 (One) 4x4 Dump Truck 12T to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 008/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 04/06/2019 for the Supply of Maintenance Tools for the SOWEDA Garage in Buea, in Buea -SW Region, By Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 006/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 17/04/2019 for the Supply of 01 (One) 4x4 Dump Truck 12T to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 001/19/ONIT/AIVDP/GoC of 09/04/2019 for the Construction of Phase 1 of the Head Office of the Agricultural Infrastructure and Value Chain Development Project for the South West Region (AIVDP) — By Emergency Procedure Funding: 2019 AIVDP GoC Budget
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 004/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 03/04/2019 for the Supply of Low Loader Traiter to SOWEDA. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation tu Tender N° 003/19/0NIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 22/03/2019 for the Supply of Agricultural Equipment for the Seed Multiplication Centre in Nyan, Kupe-Muanenguba and Maintenance Tools for the SOWEDA Garage in Buea. -SW Region. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 002/19/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2019 of 20/03/2019 for the Supply of Office Equipment & Furniture for the SOWEDA Training Centre in Mamfe - SW Region. Financing: Budget Contrat-Plan State/SOWEDA 2016-2019; Line: MINFI Chapter 93/2019
AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES NATIONAL OUVERT N° 001/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GOC/2019 DU 10/01/2019 Pour La réhabilitation du mur de soutènement / Clôture et la construction de drain à la résidence du Directeur Général de SOWEDA
AVIS d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 010/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/18 du 24/10/2018 pour le recrutement d'une société de gardiennage à la SOWEDA pour l'exercice 2019 Année financière en procédure d'urgence Financement: Budget SOWEDA GoC/HDE 2019, (Ligne 612060)
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 006/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/MINADER-BIP/2017 of 26/07/2018 for the Supply of Agricultural Equipment for the Seed Multiplication Centre in Ekona by Emergency Procedure. Financing: Budget Contrat Plan Etat /SOWEDA, Line: MINADER/BIP-2017
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 005/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/GoC/18 of 11/07/2018 for thefi Recruitment of a Consultancy Firm to Audit the Accounts of SOWEDA for the 2017 Financial Year. Funding: SOWEDA/GoC/2018 — Line 6120810
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 002/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/MINADER/BIP/2017 of 06/06/2018 for the Construction of a Fence at the Seed Multiplication Centre in Ekona by Emergency Procedure
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 004/RNIT/SOWEDAJSITB/CP/18 of 19/06/2018 for the Conception and Putting in Place of a System for the Classification of Information, Documents and Archives for SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 022/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/17 of 25/10/2017 for the Recruitment of a Firm to Provide Security Guard Services to SOWEDA for 2018 Funding: SOWEDA GoC/HDE 2018 Budget
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 021/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 26/10/2017 for the Supply of Agricultural & Office Equipment to SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure Financing: Budget Contrat Plan Etat /SOWEDA, Line: MINFI Chapitre 93/2017
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 020/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 20/09/2017 for the Supply of Office Equipment & Furniture to SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure. Financing Budget Contrat Plan Etat /SOWEDA, Line: MINFI Chapitre 93/2017
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 019/ONIT/SOWEDA/SIT13/CP/17 of 14/09/2017 for the Supply of Maintenance Tools, Office Furniture and Agricultural & Office Equipment to SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure Financing: - Budget Contrat Plan Etat /SOWEDA, Line: MINFI Chapitre 93/2017 - Budget Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA, Line: BIP/MINADER 2017
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 019/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 14/09/2017 for the Supply of Maintenance Tools, Office Furniture and Agricultural & Office Equipment to SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure Financing: Budget Contrat Plan Etat /SOWEDA, Line: MINFI Chapitre 93/2017 - Budget Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA, Line: BIP/MINADER 2017
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 016/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 03/07/2017 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Elaborate and put in place a Budgetary (Triple) Accounting System for SOWEDA. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018'; Line: MINFI Chapitre 93/2017
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 017/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 03/07/2017 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Elaborate a Land Use Pattern Document for the South West Region on behalf of SOWEDA by Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINADER/BIP 2017
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 014/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2017 of 08/05/2017 for the Supply of 02 (Two) 4x4 Dump Trucks 12T to SOWEDA.
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 013/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2017 of 04/05/2017 for the Supply of 01 (One) 20T Compactor to SOWEDA.
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 011/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2017 of 25/04/2017 for the Construction of a Warehouse at the Seed Multiplication Centre in Obang 3 Corners - Mamfe, and a Training Centre in Mamfe, South West Region for SOWEDA.
for the Pre-Qualification of Consultancy Firms to Elaborate a Management Information System for SOWEDA.
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2017 of 21/04/2017 for the Construction of Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre in Obang 3 Corners - Mamfe, South West Region. Funding: Budget of `Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINFI/Chapitre 93/2017
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 006/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 31/03/2017 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Assist SOWEDA in Securing the Obang Seed Multiplication ' Centre in Mamfe, South West Region.Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': Line MINADER/BIP 2017
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 005/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 31/03/2017 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Elaborate a Land Use Pattern Document for the South West Region on behalf of SOWEDA. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018 : MINADER/BIP 2017
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 004/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 24/03/2017 foi- the Supply of Office Equipment and a Total Station (Survey Equipment) to SOWEDA Financing: - Budget CP ETAT/ SOWEDA, Line: BIP/MINADER 2017 - Budget CP ETAT/SOWEDA, Line: SOWEDA 2017
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 003/AONO/SOWEDA/GoC17 du 16/03/2017 pour la fourniture des intrants agricoles à la SOWEDA
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 002 /ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2017 du 13/03/2017 pour la fourniture d'un (01) véhicule pickup double cabine 4x4 et trois (03) motos à la SOWEDA.
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 001/A0NO/SOWEDA/S1TB/RUMPI Project du 28/02/2017 pour la fourniture d'un (01) Véhicule au Projet RUMPI-SOWEDA en Procédured' U rgence.
N° 017/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 26/10/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Front-End Loader to SOWEDA By Emergency Procedure.
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 015/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/16 of 20/10/2016 for the Recru itment of a Consultant to Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Centres in the South West Region - By Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan I tat/SOWEDA 2016-201W: MINADER 2016
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 005/REI/SOWEDA/CP/16 of 13/09/2016 for the Pre-Qualificition of Consultants to Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Farms in the South West Region — By Emergency Procedure.
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 012/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 20/07/2016 for the Recruitmeni of a Consultancy Firm to Carry out an Organisational Structure and Staffing Plan for SOWEDA, By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINFI/Chapitre 93/2016.
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Restreint N° 012/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 du 20/07/2016 pour le recrutement d'un consultant pour la réalisation du Plan d'Organisation et des Effectifs (POE) de la SOWEDA, en procédure d'urgence. Financement Budget Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018: Guichet MINFI/Chapitre 93/2016
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 22/06/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Light Truck (07T) to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure.
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 24/06/2016 for the Construction of Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre in Ekona, South West Region By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINFI/Chapitre 93/2016
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 17/06/2016 for the Construction of a Documentation and Archives Centre within the Premises of SOWEDA, Buea - By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINADER 2016
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 005/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 15/06/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Single Cabin Pickup Vehicle 4x4 and 03 (Three) Motorcycles to SOWEDA — By Emergency Procedure
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 003/REI/SOWEDA/CP/16 of 17/06/2016 for the Pre-Qualification of Consultancy Firms to Carry out an Organizational Structure and Staffing Plan (Plan d'Organisation de l'Effectif POE) for SOWEDA — By Emergency Procedure. FINANCIAL YEAR: 2016 FUNDING: STATE/SOWEDA 'Contrat Plan' 2016-2018: MINFI/Chapter 93