entries found
COMMUNIQUE N° 003/SOWEDA/GM/DGA/16 relatif à l'Appel d'Offres National Restreint N° 005/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 du 30/03/2017 en vue du recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour l'élaboration d'un document sur l'utilisation des terres pour la région du sud‑ ouest pour le compte de la SOWEDA
COMMUNIQUE N° 004/SOWEDA/GlYYDGA/16 relatif à l'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 004/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 du 24/03/2017 pour la fourniture de matériel de bureau et d'une station totale (équipement de topographie) à la SOWEDA
COMMUNIQUE N° 004/SOWEDA/GlYYDGA/16 relatif à l'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 004/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 du 24/03/2017 pour la fourniture de matériel de bureau et d'une station totale (équipement de topographie) à la SOWEDA
COMMUNIQUE N° 003/SOWEDA/GM/DGA/16 relatif à l'Appel d'Offres National Restreint N° 005/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 du 30/03/2017 en vue du recrutement d'un bureau d'études pour l'élaboration d'un document sur l'utilisation des terres pour la région du sud‑ ouest pour le compte de la SOWEDA
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 006/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 31/03/2017 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Assist SOWEDA in Securing the Obang Seed Multiplication ' Centre in Mamfe, South West Region.Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': Line MINADER/BIP 2017
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 005/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 31/03/2017 for the Recruitment of a Consultant to Elaborate a Land Use Pattern Document for the South West Region on behalf of SOWEDA. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018 : MINADER/BIP 2017
TENDER NOTICE Open National Invitation to Tender N° 004/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/17 of 24/03/2017 foi- the Supply of Office Equipment and a Total Station (Survey Equipment) to SOWEDA Financing: - Budget CP ETAT/ SOWEDA, Line: BIP/MINADER 2017 - Budget CP ETAT/SOWEDA, Line: SOWEDA 2017
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 005/SOWEDA/REI/17 of 24/03/2017 for the Pre-Qualification of Firms to Supply Security Guard Services to SOWEDA during the 2018 Financia! Year.
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 004/REI/SOWEDA/17 of 23/03/2016 for the Pre-Qualification of Consultancy Firms to Audit the Accounts and Financial Statements of SOWEDA for the 2016 Financial Year. FINANCIAL YEAR: 2017
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 003/AONO/SOWEDA/GoC17 du 16/03/2017 pour la fourniture des intrants agricoles à la SOWEDA
COMMUNIQUE N°001/SOWEDA/GM/PC-Rumpi/DGA/17 Relatif à l'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 001/AONO/SOWEDA/SITB/Rumpi Project du 28/02/2016 pour la fourniture d'un véhicule station wagon au projet Rumpi de la SOWEDA en procédure d'utence.
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 002 /ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2017 du 13/03/2017 pour la fourniture d'un (01) véhicule pickup double cabine 4x4 et trois (03) motos à la SOWEDA.
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Ouvert N° 001/A0NO/SOWEDA/S1TB/RUMPI Project du 28/02/2017 pour la fourniture d'un (01) Véhicule au Projet RUMPI-SOWEDA en Procédured' U rgence.
PRESS RELEASE N° 018/SOWEDA/GM/DGA/16 With Respect to Tender N° 015/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/16 of 20/10/2016 for the Recruitrnent of a Consultant te Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Centres in the South West Region.
PRESS RELEASE N° 020/SOWEDA/G111/DGA/16 With Respect to Open National Invitation to Tender N° 017/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 26/10/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Front-End Loader to SOWEDA.
N° 017/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 26/10/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Front-End Loader to SOWEDA By Emergency Procedure.
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 015/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/16 of 20/10/2016 for the Recru itment of a Consultant to Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Centres in the South West Region - By Emergency Procedure Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan I tat/SOWEDA 2016-201W: MINADER 2016
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 005/REI/SOWEDA/CP/16 of 13/09/2016 for the Pre-Qualificition of Consultants to Assist SOWEDA in Securing its Seed Multiplication Farms in the South West Region — By Emergency Procedure.
With Respect to Tender N° 010/RNITISOWEDA/S1TB/CP/2016 of 24/06/2016 for the Construction of Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre in Ekona, South West Region. Publication of Result for Lot 1
Avis d'Appel d'Offres National Restreint N° 012/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 du 20/07/2016 pour le recrutement d'un consultant pour la réalisation du Plan d'Organisation et des Effectifs (POE) de la SOWEDA, en procédure d'urgence. Financement Budget Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018: Guichet MINFI/Chapitre 93/2016
Restricted National Invitation to Tender N° 012/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 20/07/2016 for the Recruitmeni of a Consultancy Firm to Carry out an Organisational Structure and Staffing Plan for SOWEDA, By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINFI/Chapitre 93/2016.
PRESS RELEASE N° 009/SOWEDA/GIVUdA/16 With Respect to Tender N° 007/RNIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 17/06/2016 for the Construction of a Documentation and Archives Centre within SOWEDA Premises in Buea. Publication of Result The General Manager of the South West Development Authority (SOWEDA) hereby informs bidders who sub mined bids in response to the Tender indicated above that the contract has been awarded as follows:
Avis d’Appel d’Offres National Ouvert en procédure d’urgence N° 109/AONO/PR/MINMAP/CCPM-AG/2016 du 26/07/2016 pour la fourniture d’un (01) bulldozer d’une puissance nette d’au moins 260 cv à la SOWEDA
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 009/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 22/06/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Light Truck (07T) to SOWEDA - By Emergency Procedure.
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 010/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 24/06/2016 for the Construction of Buildings at the Seed Multiplication Centre in Ekona, South West Region By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINFI/Chapitre 93/2016
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 007/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 17/06/2016 for the Construction of a Documentation and Archives Centre within the Premises of SOWEDA, Buea - By Emergency Procedure. Funding: Budget of 'Contrat Plan Etat/SOWEDA 2016-2018': MINADER 2016
Open National Invitation to Tender N° 005/ONIT/SOWEDA/SITB/CP/2016 of 15/06/2016 for the Supply of 01 (One) Single Cabin Pickup Vehicle 4x4 and 03 (Three) Motorcycles to SOWEDA — By Emergency Procedure
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST N° 003/REI/SOWEDA/CP/16 of 17/06/2016 for the Pre-Qualification of Consultancy Firms to Carry out an Organizational Structure and Staffing Plan (Plan d'Organisation de l'Effectif POE) for SOWEDA — By Emergency Procedure. FINANCIAL YEAR: 2016 FUNDING: STATE/SOWEDA 'Contrat Plan' 2016-2018: MINFI/Chapter 93
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